Hide and Speak

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Note: sorry for the republish, I had some doubts about posting this  but decided to keep it up :)

I'm turning this book into a one shot book after some interest shown in it! I'll try to update when possible for y'all <3

Also thank you to my friend @Ship_On_The_Sea for giving me some input on this one, check her out she's a great author :)

This is an irl Minecraft Manhunt au, Dream is the hunter George is the speed-runner.


Warming sunlight peeked below the trees of the birch forest, shadows of timber and hills growing longer to leave a promise of soon-to-be monsters, and by extent, annoying travel. The woodlands greeted him with occasional lilacs and knee-high itchy grass, though lots of the shrubbery had turned orange and leaves had begun to fall to the forest's floor in time for fall.

George speed-walked through the biome with a rugged backpack, cringing at how loud the crunch of leaves beneath his feet was. He must have been far enough away from his hunter by this point, though deep down he knew he could never truly be certain. However, he didn't have much of a choice in the matter, iron armor was going to be important if he valued his life at all, and continuing in the darkness was a death wish.

George reached into his back pocket and pulled out a map, unrolling it and searching its contents. Nothing but trees, trees, trees. No villages. He grumbled to himself and shoved the paper back into his denim pocket.

In his peripheral vision, George spotted a hollowing in the soil that led to a stony cavern. Perfect, somewhere to set up for the night.

He dropped down inside with a thump under his soles, and hummed in annoyance after noticing that it was a dead-end cave, maybe 20 feet in circumference. The sun was already  below the horizon, though, so it would have to do. The spot was discrete enough that George hoped it would be easily missed.


Resurfacing from a small staircase he had dug from the cave, George made way to his furnace to smelt more iron that he excavated. The inside of the cobblestone cage hissed menacingly as he placed the ore inside, and closed the door.

While waiting on the iron to finish smelting, he looked around his temporary base which contained a crafting table, two furnaces, a bed, and a few torches placed sparingly so as to not let any light leak outside of the cave. It wasn't too shabby, actually. If he could have stayed longer, he wouldn't have minded it. George crouched next to his bed and grabbed some berries from his bag, and chewed on them as he waited for the fire sizzling to dissipate.


His heart skipped a beat. No way...there's no way he was already here.

There was an agonizing silence, one full of patronizing anxiety. George took shallow breaths, and glanced to the moonlit entrance to the cave.


The air was painfully still.

Maybe it was just an animal..?

Scraaaapppeee. The sound of metal licking tree bark.

Nope, definitely not an animal. The brunette swallowed, trying to compose his heart rate only to fail.


George's throat clenched and his heart raced faster at his name, one from his favorite familiar taunting voice. Glancing uneasily to the cave entrance, he hoped to see the familiar face of his pursuer. Why did George want to see the one trying to kill him? He couldn't tell you really.

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