Pool Party

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~Eiji POV~

Ash found a hide out in the middle of nowhere and the place has a pool. I thought that to relieve all the stress and have some fun I brought Sing, Alex, Bones, Cain, and a couple more of the gang people. Ash didn't have a problem with it and I was so excited. Shorter, Ibe, Max, and I went to a store to get snacks and drinks. Ash and the other guys got lights and music for the party.

I looked around the chip section to see what will be good to have. I felt a hand on my shoulder and when I looked over I saw Ibe-san smiling softly at me. I smiled softly at him and Looked away back at the chips.

"Doing it for Ash?" Ibe-san asked. I looked back over at him and nodded a bit.

"He's been through a lot and I thought a small little party with his friends might cheer him up...I just hate seeing him scared for us I know he's scared but he doesn't like to show it....I'm his boyfriend I have been for the last past 2 months. He trust me and I trust him and I want to him have fun and relax." I told him grabbing a few bags of all different types of Doritos and put it in the cart.

"I know your trying to help Ash but you know he's gonna be on edge." He told me. I sighed softly and looked down a bit.

"I know that's why I got the gang members that doesn't want to swim to watch the place and join us once in a while." I said smiling a bit at my small plan. Ibe smiled a bit and helped my get some more snacks. Max got the alcohol that Ash likes, Shorter is getting plastic cups, paper plates, and plastic silverware. We all met up back at the car after we payed for our things.

Who knew that we would spend around $75 dollars. Spending that much money isn't that bad for a party I guess. Max drove us back to the hideout house. When we got back their was a couple of gang members there. Ash walked over to me and gave me a kiss on my cheek which made me smile a bit. He noticed my small smile and smiled a bit himself.

"What did you all get?" Ash asked while helping with the bags from my hands.

"Snacks, drinks, paper plates, plastic cups, plastic silverware, and I ordered pizza has the main dish." I told him has he help me set the things up while the other guys get in their swim trunks.

"Sounds good." He told me. After about 5 more minute of setting things up, I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I glanced back and saw Ash with his head on my shoulder which made me smile and lean against him. He tighten his grip on me when I leaned against him.

"I never want to lose you Eiji. I love you so much. I'm really glad your with me and being my boyfriend. I don't want you to get hurt, die, or leave to go to Japan. Your my world and everything." He slightly whispered in my ear. My eyes started to water, a few tears did fall, but I quickly wiped them away and smiled. I turned around in his arms which made him lift up his head.

"You wont lose me ever. I don't want to leave the person who is always by my side to protect me and love me. I want to give you the life you deserve Aslan every single day. I'm glad your my boyfriend and I never want it to end." I told him which left him with a shock happy face. I leaned him and kissed him passionately, he returned but with a bit rougher.

"Can I have kisses tooooo" Shorter popped up out of nowhere. Ash pulled away and looked at Shorter like 'Bitch fuck off' which made me giggled a bit.

"I'm gonna change I'll be right back." I said and gave Ash a quick peck on the lips, ruffled Shorter's hair, then went upstairs to change. On the way upstairs I heard Ash and Shorter play fighting. I went to the room that Ash and I share before you even ask no not in the same bed.

Anyways I grabbed my swim trunks and put them on. Once I put them on I went into the backyard and saw people in the pool and some not. I looked around for Ash and saw him in the pool talking with Alex and Shorter. I smiled a bit at the view and decided to join them. I got in the pool and swam over to them. I jumped on Ash's back and we both fell backwards. We surfaced and I started laughing which made him smile.

"Come here you goofball." He said while grabbing my waist and pulls me close to him. I couldn't help but blush at the action. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smile. He gave me a quick kiss on the lips and smiled. Around 1am everyone started to leave. I decided to clean a bit of the mess while I was waiting for Ash because he is saying goodbye to his friends. I ended cleaning all of the mess cause Alex didn't want to go but Ash made him leave. Ash walked over to me and grabbed my hand.

"Come on Babe time for bed." Ash said and started leading me to the bedroom. Once we got to the bedroom and changed into warm pjs he pulled me into the bed that he sleeps in and holds me close. I smiled and relaxed into his warmth which I bet made him smile.

"Best day ever Eiji." He said before drifting off to sleep. I smiled at wat he said I am really glad he had a great day.

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