First day of Kimetsu no hero academy

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⚠️there might be some spoilers regarding to the quirks the characters would have⚠️ I honestly don't know. I only saw few episodes of demon slayer and from then on I couldn't find any episodes that I could get my hands on. I only read the manga so if there were no spoilers then thats a relief.

Also just a side note, I decided to reduce your quirk to light manipulation, star manipulation and a little bit of water bending to fit the title.

Narrator's view
Today was the first day of Kimetsu no hero academy and y/n was definitely not ready for it at all. She had heard from her older sister, Angelica (who works as a teacher in knha) that the amount of training they had to do was three times the usual amount y/n normally does. It also didn't help that Kimetsu no hero academy (knha) started way earlier than normal high schools either. Normally there would be a three month break after the end of middle school and then after the three month passes, high school would start. Kimetsu no hero academy however, only had a half a month break giving y/n less time to calm her ever growing anxiety.

On the plus side, the school uniform was customizable and comfortable. It was a black, long sleeve button up shirt that you were supposed to wear on top of a white button up shirt. It also came with a black skirt that was supposed to be held with a white belt. The school also provided the students with a haori that matches their quirk. (You can imagine any pattern you want but it has to have at least stars, light or water symbols on it). The socks and geta sandals were optional however y/n wanted to go all out so she requested them as well.

Another plus side was that you only had to go to knha by 5 am which y/n enjoyed since she usually had to wake up at 1 am because of Aizawa and Urokodaki sensei's training.

"Y/n! Time for breakfast!" Angelica shouted as y/n ran downstairs.

"Angelica look! The haori feels like a cape! Or maybe a bird's wing!" Y/n said excitedly as she flapped her arms like a bird. Angelica only smiled as she patted y/n's head.

Timeskip to when y/n and Angelica arrives at kimetsu no hero academy
Still narrator's view
Y/n stared at the huge traditional Japanese styled building in front of her which was going to be her new school from today. From the corner of her eye, she saw her two childhood friends, Yuichiro and Muichiro who also seem to stare at the huge campus.

"Yui-kun, Mui-kun! Good morning!" The girl with h/c hair said enthusiastically as she began running towards the twins, making Angelica chase after her. Without saying a word, Muichiro embraced y/n into a hug as Yuichiro glared at his twin.

"Mui-kun, yui-kun! Did you know that we're in the same class? And my sister is our teacher so it'll be more fun going to school!" Y/n explained as the twins silently cheered that their in the same class as their crush.

"Also, look at my haori-... wait, where are your haori's? Did they not give you any?" Y/n asked as Muichiro shook his head.

"We didn't want them. Our haori looked kinda tacky since our quirk doesn't look good on it." Yuichiro explained.
Name: Muichiro Tokito
Age: 15
Quirks: paper manipulation. Cloud/Mist manipulation.

Mist/Cloud manipulation
Information: user is able to manipulate the weight and size of clouds. User is also able to make rain clouds rain-free or make normal clouds into rain clouds. User is unable to manipulate clouds when there are no clouds in the sky. User can also make clouds into mist.
Drawbacks: user cannot focus well and often daydream.

Paper manipulation
Information: User is able to control the paper's hardness/size.
Drawbacks: paper cuts.

Name: Yuichiro Tokito
Age: 15
Quirks: mist/Fog manipulation. Herbs (manga readers would know.)

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