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GREED WAS PUSHED onto his knees in the throne room. He didn't pay much attention to the decoration and layout, though he was sure Lucifer had some damn good interior designers at his disposal. On Greed's right was Gluttony, and on his left Envy, both on their knees. The other sins were there as well, but Greed felt too sick to his stomach to put names to faces.

The handcuffs scraped against Greed's wrists as he gave one last, hopeless tug at them, knowing that they wouldn't budge. He didn't have enough time to try and escape anyways, because Lust entered the room, wearing a black suit, all dressed up for the occasion.

"Well," he said, fixing his suit cuff, "Look at where you ended up. On your knees in front of me. Usually, this would turn me on, but something about this just doesn't feel right, hm?"

Envy stammered, "L-Lust, you---"

Lust held a finger to his lips. Envy shut up immediately. Lust walked towards him before crouching down in front of him.

"Keep quiet, pretty thing, or I'll have to kill you," Lust muttered, brushing his thumb against Envy's plump lips. He lowered his voice to a whisper. "I hate when prisoners talk out of turn."

"You can't do this," Envy breathed. "Lust, please. . ."

"Just be quiet, darling."

Envy listened and kept his mouth shut, though he was still pleading with his eyes.

Lust stood and walked back towards the large black throne. His wings popped out, simply to make things more dramatic. He sat down on the throne, crossing one leg over the other. Picking at his black nails, he said, "Have you all thought about it?"

There was silence. Lust rolled his eyes. "Come on, guys! I have some beautiful men and women waiting for me back in the bedroom. I don't have all day."

After a long pause came Sloth's voice, "I'll join you."

Envy looked up at him, wide eyed and betrayed. Wrath wasn't looking at anyone, gaze fixed solely on the ground. Pride was staring straight ahead, tears in his eyes.

Lust smiled widely. "Great choice, Sloth!" He stood and folded his wings, walking behind Sloth and unlocking his handcuffs. He helped Sloth stand. Then he muttered something in Sloth's ear and the older sin nodded, looking like he didn't really care. He didn't make eye contact with any of them as he stood next to Lust.

In his gut, Greed knew how this would play out.

Sloth had already said yes to the offer. Wrath was facing a possible lifetime in the dungeon due to the bombing. And the eldest sin could never go back on his word, he was too prideful for that. Envy was a stubborn idiot. Gluttony was the only one who Greed wasn't sure about. . .

"I'll join you as well." Gluttony's voice didn't waver. Lust's smile only grew and he unlocked Gluttony's handcuffs. Then, without a word from Greed, Lust unlocked his as well. He hauled them both up, forcing them to stand.

Through his dry throat, Greed said, "I didn't even say---"

"I know you well enough, Greed," Lust said. "If you've changed, I can always put your handcuffs back on. I have tons of experience doing that, you know."

Greed shook his head. Lust patted him on the back. "Good! Now, don't try to make a break for it, or I could kill you all in seconds. Come, stand next to me."

Greed let Lust guide him and Gluttony to stand next to Sloth. Sloth still wasn't making eye contact.

"Now," Lust said. "Last chance. Going once?"

No one said anything.

Lust's brows furrowed. "Going twice?" When there was still no answer, Lust growled. Greed stepped closer to Gluttony, uncomfortable by the energy radiating off of Lust.

"You know," Lust muttered, "I really thought you could get over your stupid idea that Heaven would take us back."

That was directed at Envy, who lowered his head.

"You fucking idiot," Lust seethed. "I don't know why I ever thought---" His voice broke. "I don't know why I ever thought the seven of us could be the way we were before. Happy. Together. Even after we got cursed, I had hoped. . ."

Lust exhaled. He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fuck it. There's no point in holding onto hope now." He pulled something out of his pocket---a gun. He grabbed Greed's hand and placed the gun in his palm.

Greed stared at it.

Lust pushed him forward. "Come on, take your shot."

"M---my shot?" Greed asked. He turned back to Lust. "What the hell do you mean?"

Lust stared at him. "They took away your time to grieve. Envy killed your parents. No one understood you. Take your shot. Get revenge. Kill them."

The gun trembled in Greed's hands as he turned to face the three kneeling men. As much as he wanted to resist it, he couldn't deny that there was some satisfaction in standing above them, in being one of the people with the most power in the room. He raised the gun.

From Greed's peripheral vision, he saw that Sloth had closed his eyes. Gluttony had turned around fully, not wanting to see what was going to happen next.

"Please. . ." Came Envy's voice. "Greed. Greed---I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kill them, and I know it caused you so much pain, and we didn't let you grieve, but please don't kill us. Please."

There were tears running down his face and Greed's grip on the gun tightened.

"That would've meant more if you said it when I wasn't pointing a gun at your face."

Greed pulled the trigger three times.

Greed pulled the trigger three times

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