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THE GREATEST THING about being one of the rulers of the four districts of Hell was that Greed was allowed to speak to anyone the way he wanted, and no one could scold him for it.

He was able to order people around, argue with people, do whatever. Not that he went around looking for trouble or anything. He'd gotten rid of that habit once he'd finally processed his parents' passings. He figured he was at least a little more tolerable than he used to be.

As he entered the castle, he went over the things in his mental to-do list regarding Jeon Industries.

He was planning on getting rid of it altogether. The media had a field day when he announced it. He'd said that he didn't want to keep desperately holding onto the only thing his parents left behind when it was never meant for him in the first place. For once, it wasn't a lie.

His parents had been planning to leave the country and live abroad. Jeon Industries was handed down because of their untimely deaths. Greed was never supposed to have it.

He'd be compensating all his employees for the next 3 months while they might be job-hunting. Even if he demolished the business, he still had enough money to last a lifetime. Not that it really mattered now that he was immortal and a ruler of Hell.

Gluttony had decided to keep his company going, because he owned an apartment back on Earth, and he enjoyed being amongst mortals. Lust had inherited the nightclub that held the gateway to Hell, and Sloth. . . was Sloth.

Greed exhaled, content. Things were going well these past 4 years. He, Gluttony, Sloth, and Lust were immortal kings and were on great terms with one another. And the other three sins. . . well, they were never spoken about.


Greed turned. Gluttony jogged up to him with Sloth trailing behind him, his hands in his pockets.

"New arrival of humans to torture," said Gluttony. "Wanna come along?"

Greed hummed. "How bad are they?"

"Murderers and rapists," Gluttony answered.

A smile grew on Greed's face. "Lust is gonna love making those bastards scream in agony for the rest of eternity."

"Right, so that's why you're gonna go get him."

Greed immediately shook his head. "No, absolutely not."

"Come on," Gluttony said. "You wanna bring him along so those rapists get punished, right?"

"We can do that ourselves."

"But Lust never holds back on them, you know that." Gluttony smiled cheekily. "So go get him and meet us there."

"I'm just going to end up walking in on him again," Greed protested.

"Just go get him, kid. We'll warm up the damned souls while you're gone." Sloth brushed past him and walked away without another word. Gluttony gave Greed a shit-eating grin before he followed Sloth, leaving Greed to fetch their favorite highest-ranking demon.

As he headed up the castle floors, Greed recalled the day Lucifer had told them he was retiring from being King of Hell. After he successfully purged Earth of Heaven's influence (how, Greed didn't know. He preferred to spare the details), he had gathered the four sins in the dining room for the announcement. As of now, he was currently on Earth, still punishing rotten humans who deserved it. It was just more of a hobby than a job.

When he'd retired, the four sins had gotten the honor of taking over. Greed, Gluttony, and Sloth were all granted wings again. Greed remembered the day he'd gotten them---he'd spent hours outside with the others, learning to fly again.

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