YOU !!

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when i saw your eyes i felt something like I'm in heaven or i don't know I just felt happy !

come on , text me anything

like " how are you or i miss you or talk to me about you ..

when you talk to me i felt happy , i didn't know why i felt this with you , but i have feelings for you I'm sorry about this words I just want to you know that ..

I don't know why i am sad , maybe i miss your words or i want talk to you

just i feel bad something ..

I know you are busy or maybe you don't like me or you are hate my words .. i am a girl bad lucky because i try to talk with you ..

I think about you too much
And when it rains , I remember you !

I'm dying !!!! Why i can't breathe without you ! Why i can't complete my life without you ? Why I feel fucking pain in my heart !!!!

Always i feel pain in my heart when I remember you !! It's so hard

Before i met youحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن