Sleep time

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Eda and Luz were exhausted. They spent most of the night catching up on Luz's homework that she missed out on when she went to save Eda. Luz's brain was fried and Eda swore if she saw another book she would beg the Emperor to petrify her, not that he would mind.

King was asleep on the couch, as usual, and Lilith was sat reading a book next to him.
"I'm literally going to end my life," Luz groaned.
"You and me both kid," Eda yawned. "I think it's time we go to bed, you look exhausted."
"I'm fine," Luz said sleepily.
"Luz you're going to bed," Eda said ruffling the kids brown hair.
"But I don't wanna go to bed," Luz whined like a child.
"Luz you're tired," Eda said to the human. "You need to go to sleep,"

Luz sat there and thought for a moment. She was afraid of going to bed after the events that had happened, also because of the nightmares she was having. Luz hadn't even notice that the Owl Lady had went off upstairs to bed. Luz was terrified of losing Eda again. The thought sent shivers down her spine. At first Luz thought that she was just an apprentice to Eda. Luz had always admired Eda and her bad girl ways. She never expected for Eda to care about her that much after their first meeting. However, in time Luz noticed the Owl Lady becoming soft around her. Like when she did all of Bumps chores just so Luz could get into magic school or when she literally faced a fate worse than death and got captured by the emperors coven for her. Luz couldn't also forget about the fact that Eda told Luz that she loved her. Did Eda really mean it or did she just say it because she was about to be petrified?

Luz didn't want to be alone tonight so she grabbed King and went up to Eda's room.
Luz knocked on the door and heard a little "come in," from the other side.
"Hey Eda," Luz said coming into the room. "I don't know if I can sleep tonight. I don't wanna be on my own,"

The Owl Lady looked at the human and sighed. Eda had been suffering from nightmares as well but was too scared to admit it. She couldn't help but worry about her apprentice. Being so far away from home and facing the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isle isn't something she wanted her kid to go through.

The witch patted the spot next to her, in her nest, offering Luz to sit there. Luz made her way to the nest with King and sat down.
"You wanna talk about it kid?" Eda asked.
"I've been having nightmares lately," Luz began. "I just don't think I'll be able to sleep on my own. I keep fearing that one day I'll wake up in the morning and you'll be gone again."

Luz wiped the tears that threatened to leave her eyes. Eda couldn't blame her. The feeling was mutual. Titan knows what the Emperor would do to Luz now that she had challenged him and destroyed his plans. She was worried something bad would happen to her. Plus with her magic gone she wouldn't be able to protect Luz, if she even needs protection.

"Hey, Kid look at me," Eda said. Luz looked up at her with teary eyes. "I'm not going anywhere. If you haven't notice it's quite impossible to get rid of me."

Luz laughed at that and King nodded his head in agreement.
"I told you this woman could survive anything," King said.
"Point is I'm not going to disappear," Eda continued. "Plus we've got Hooty at the front door and you know he's quite scary,"
"Yeah," Luz said remembering when she found Hooty in the woods having a tea party with a bunch of knocked out guards.

"Can I stay with you?" Luz asked with puppy eyes. "At least for tonight?"
The Owl Lady sighed but nodded. Luz laid her head down in Eda's lap as Owlbert brought a blanket and put it over the two of them. King laid down next to Luz and instantly fell asleep while Owlbert set himself down on Eda's shoulder. Eda leaned back getting herself into a more comfortable position.

"Thanks for letting me stay with you Eda," Luz yawned.
"It's fine," Eda said pretending she didn't love this moment. "Just get some sleep, ok?"
"I love you Eda," Luz said, looking up at Eda.
"I love you too," Eda said as she stroked Luz's hair. Luz smiled as she drifted off to sleep.

"I love you as well King," Eda admitted. "You too Owlbert."
Owlbert rubbed his head against her cheek as a response and King sleepily muttered what sound like an "I love you too,"

Eda just sat there smiling like an idiot as her weird little family laid in her arms. Eda was sure going to miss Luz as soon as she found a way home. However, Eda knew that her and Luz would never give up on the chance to see each other. Luz wasn't a quitter, she was always working towards her dreams, being a witch was one of her biggest dreams. It's highly unlikely that she would give up on her dream as a witch to be in the boring human world.

Eda just laid back and enjoyed the moment before finally falling asleep herself. 

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