Lumity Wedding (Protection Part 3)

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{sorry if the wedding part is not accurate. I don't pay attention at weddings
Mentions of Homophobia and child abuse.}

Amity sighed as she stared at her dress in the mirror. 'Is Luz going to like it?' She thought. She looked at her hair that Emira had done for her. It was now as its natural brown color after her mother and father got divorced. She invited her mother to the wedding but she highly doubted that Odalia would actually show up.

"Are you alright mittens?" Emira asked. "You're pulling your pouty tomato face again,"

Amity rolled her eyes at her sister and Emira laughed. "I'm just nervous that's all,"

"Today is going to be perfect," Emira reassured her. "Don't worry about mother, if she does come to the wedding and make a scene I will have no choice but to get seriously drunk and fight her,"

Amity laughed at her sisters words. Then there was a knock at the door. It was Alador.
"Hey dad," Amity smiled.

"Amity dear, you look beautiful," Alador said, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Oh dear Titan is dad about to cry?" Emira laughed. "Wow this day really is filled with miracles,"

"Thanks dad," Amity smiled. "Do you think Luz will think so too?"

"Amity, she cried the other day when you wore a matching otter onesie with her because you looked so cute. She's going to break down into full on sobs when she sees you," Emira smiled and Alador laughed.

"Your sister is right you have nothing to worry about," Alador smiled.


Luz stood at the alter nervously biting her lip and playing with her fingers. She was nervous as hell. A million thoughts swimming in her head at a vast speed. Her stomach twisted and turned in ways she didn't even know was possible. Her anxiety heighten when the music started playing and everyone stood up. However, every single negative thought in Luz's head disappeared the moment she saw her soon to be wife.

She was stunning. Luz's mouth fell open. Willow laughed as she had to shut Luz's mouth for her. Luz snapped out of her trance the moment Amity stood in front of her. Luz hadn't even realized she started crying until Amity reached up and wiped Luz's tears from her cheek.

"Hello everyone," Eda started. "Welcome to the day we all thought would never come. Now Amity would you like to say your vows first?"

"I would," Amity smiled and took a deep breath. "Luz. Over these past years we have been through so much together. We've been through some highs and some lows. We've had our emotional roller coasters and I'm sure we'll have many more. However, that doesn't matter right now. I love you Luz and I can't wait to call you my wife. You're the Luz of my life. My significant otter. And my best friend. I couldn't ever imagine being with anyone else."

Luz was laughing and crying at the same time. It took her a while to regain her composure and start her vows.

"Amity," she started but hesitated for a second as the swarm of butterflies continued. "...normally, I have something to say. I'm normally the one to express my feelings in such a cheerful and extraordinary way. But being up here with you, getting married to you. There are no words that I can find in neither English nor Spanish that can explain just how happy I am. I love you so much Amity and I'll spend the rest of our lives proving that to you,"

"King, would you please bring the rings and the tissues?" Eda said and everyone laughed. Since Luz and Amity were closer to Eda they could see tiny tears forming in the corners of her eyes. Luz smiled at her mentor.

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