4 | Personal Favors

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My mother appeared more pleased than she usually would at this time of year. More specifically, report card day.

I gauged her from my position around the lengthy table. The delicious breakfast prepared by the maids slowly became insipid and I could no longer stand it.

"Did something good happen this morning?"

Mother glanced up when she realized that I was addressing her.

She shook her head but I could see the telltale of lies in her eyes. "No, nothing in particular. Why do you ask?"

I acted coy. "No reason. You just seem to be more quiet, tolerable..."

Dad paused at the last word.

Gesturing to her fingers tapping the surface of the table merrily I provoked her. "That's bad table manners."

Jake choked up on laughter then covered it with a cough at her glare.

Her posture was more erected as pressuring eyes gave me attention.

"Do you have something you wish to discuss?"

I placed down the fork in my hand and tapped my chin in thought. "The list is way too long mother. It wouldn't even be possible to finish by dinner."

Dad intervened. "Stop beating around the bush and get to the point."

I wasn't fond of him either at the moment as he took her side and forced me out of my apartment.

"Sorry for not being as straightforward like you two." I dabbed at the corners of my mouth before standing.

"We haven't finished eating, Luca." Mother indicated for me to sit back down.

"No, but I have."

School didn't commence until I showed up. I wouldn't exactly say I was the life of the party but the students made it seem like that. Narcissism was not a trait of mine and I hated being the centre of attention. However, my preferences fell onto deaf ears with the amount attention I was given because of my wealth and looks. I was at the top of the social hierarchy in Manhattan's finest preparatory school. People tend to flock to those who could provide them with a sense of extravagance. I was cautious of being taken advantage of and kept my company short.

A friendly punch was delivered to my arm and I looked to see one of my friends, Damien.

"Hey bro! Have you heard the news yet?"

My eyebrows furrowed. "What news?"

He chuckled deeply. "Natasha Park confessed her love for you over a couple drinks! Damn man, you got the hottest girl in school weeping. I'm jealous."

"You can have her if you're that jealous."

It wasn't like he was lacking in any department.

He faltered. "I would if she wasn't so caught up on you."

"So you've tried?" I asked in mock humor.

"Tried and failed my friend."

I laughed.

"Don't worry too much," I consoled. "Girls like Natasha can't stick to one thing for too long."

Damien's eyes gleamed in an instant. It worried me that he had his eyes on someone like her. 

Okay, maybe she wasn't a completely terrible person. Maybe somewhere deep, deep, deep down inside there was a nice and considerate girl- 

Who was I kidding? She was the reincarnation of that queen bitch from that movie Mean Girls.

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