Chapter 1

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3rd P.O.V.

Your eyes scanned over the papers that Professor Lupin has given to you about Red Caps. You noticed a few things wrong with the text, so very hesitantly, you raised your hand in the air. 

"Professor, even though we're talking about Red Caps, you started to go into detail about werewolves," you said, in which he responded with an "ah" sort of sound and walked over.

"Silly me, I must've been thinking too much about another lesson. My apologies, Mr. (L/N)." 

The title "mister" burned into your skull as you very, very hesitantly corrected the professor. 

"It's just (L/N), Professor," you said, biting back a few words you had to say to some Slytherins who immediately started whispering to one another. Goyle, one of Dracos many apprentices, whispered something to Draco, but there was a harsh growl and a, "Goyle, shut up," that erupted from the blonde. 

Lupin apologized and went on with class, completely unaware of the disapproval from classmates. 

Time passed and class had ended, and seeing as that was the last class of the day, you walked off towards the gates of the school, most likely going to talk to the mermaids again. 

"(Y/N), wait up!" you heard a familiar voice call, in which you turned around, pressing a quick kiss to Malfoy's lips and smiling, "Hey, Draco."

"I'm sorry about what happened today in Professor Lupin's class," he started, but you just shooed it off and started walking to the large moat created around the school. "It happens all the time, it's fine," "but it really isn't," Draco argued, in which you simply sighed, and sat down on the grass.

"Truth is, all the deadnaming and misgendering really has me feeling like..y'know- dysphoric," you sighed, cheeks turning a slight red as you felt your loverboy pull you close, hugging you and peppering soothing kisses to your neck. 

"Don't listen to them, okay? You were simply born and you felt uncomfortable so you changed. That's one of the things I love about you, (Y/N)..despite you always getting misgendered and deadnamed, even on purpose, you don't let it get to you..and if you do, you don't just keep it all stuffed inside you. You tell someone," Draco paused, "that's much better compared to what I would've done."

"Yeah, yeah- we get it edgelord, you love me-" you snicker, kissing draco softly, eyes fluttering closed as he kissed back, grinning. 

A minute or so passed and you broke away from the gentle kiss, speaking, "I should really invest in you being so caring all the time," you laughed, in which he was "hurt". "I'm always so caring!" he laughed, as did you. 

Once you and he were back in the school, you made your way to the Feast Hall, where you took your seat at the Hufflepuff table and began eating after Dumbledore's announcements. 

"So, you and Malfoy, eh?" a good friend of yours, Hannah Abbot, asked, nudging you in which you laughed. "We're just friends, Hannah," you smiled as she gave a suspicious "uh-huh" before starting to eat. 

After a bit of eating, the houses dispersed and began walking to their dormitories, however, you and Draco slipped out of the crowd and walked to the Room of Requirements. A bed appeared with a few snacks and some butterbeer, in which you smiled and walked in. 

"So..the room knew we were gonna snog," "Draco!" you laughed, hitting his shoulder. You sat on the bed with your butterbeer, taking a sip before seeing Draco disappointed.

"Come here," you said, sitting your drink down and opening your arms. The both of you started cuddling, and you were very pleased with this. "Draco, were you being serious when you brought up snogging?" you asked, in which he hesitantly nodded. 

"Well, we's not like dementors are gonna pop up and suck our lives out," you smile, getting in Draco's lap and pressing your lips to his, the kiss slowly getting more and more heated. Soon enough all you could hear was the sloppy teenage kissing, along with giggles from you every once in a while. 

As soon as the kiss broke, you smiled and laid next to Draco once more, pressing your face in his chest as compliments were shared. "You know, (Y/N)..i love you. A lot. Like- I'd give up the world for you any day," he said, and you looked up, smiling.

"I love you so much, I'd give up all the universe for you any day," "you wouldn't if you knew what I would have to do.." 

You looked at him and sighed, "Draco Lucius Malfoy, I know who your parents are and what they're going to make you become. But I haven't left, have I?" " do you know-" "reading takes you a long way, baby."

The cuddles continued as Draco showered you in kisses and compliments, making you all warm and fuzzy inside. 

"Y/N, I love you so much," Draco said, kissing your lips one last time. "I love you more..think we have to go to our dormitories now, though.." you sigh, kissing the males jawline. Both of you got ready and started leaving the room, but you smacked Dracos booty and said, "Nice arse," in which he squeaked, turned red and chased you before you just- vanished. Of course you just went to the dormitories, so- yeah. A few Hufflepuffs looked up, as you giggled on your way in, and a friend spoke, "you get boned or something?" You turned red, everyone broke out into laughter, "you totally did!" "No I didn't! Cedric, help me out!" "Sorry, (L/N), the proof is there. So! Who was it?" "Ugh you guys are the worst," you smiled, getting in your night clothes and sighing, the nail marks on your back just screaming the obvious. Hannah popped in, and gasped, "you did! Who was it with?" 

With a groan, you put your shirt on and sighed. " was Draco," "WOAH! WAIT! YOU AND MALFOY BONED??" the Hufflepuffs went quiet as you groaned, "Guys- c'mon- Hannah is getting boned by Zabini!" 

"Really?? Who knew Hufflepuffs had a thing for Slytherins!" Diggory laughed, in which you sighed yet again and walked over, grinning, "How's it going with Cho?" "I- uh- (L/N)!" 

And with that final announcement, the Hufflepuffs played board games and departed for bed, closing your curtains and turning your lamp off, wishing (C/N) a goodnight before falling asleep.


1090 words;

Thank you guys for reading! Let me just elaborate some things. The nail marks on the readers back is from around two days prior to this, when you and Malfoy did the dirty dirty, and lets be honest, Draco is most defiently claws real damn hard when he has sex lmao. Anyways!

Signing out,


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