Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Tru slowly opened her eyes, the room she was in was spinning and her head felt like she had been hit with a sledgehammer. She blinked a couple more times, not understanding why she couldn't bring her surroundings into focus. She felt so dizzy, her like there were cobwebs in her brain. She realized she was laying down on a bed and she tried to sit up, but it took her three tries before her body responded to her brain. She looked around, unsure of where she was and what had just happened. As she stood to her feet her legs buckled under her weight and she almost fell down, when she caught herself with her hands, she noticed the shackle around her wrist. Her heart lurched forward as she began to panic. She followed the chain to the wall and yanked on it as hard as her weak body would allow but it didn't budge.

She looked around the room, it was dark and dank. There was only the bed and a door. The only light was a blue lightbulb in the ceiling, giving off some light, but it was mostly just dark. She opened her mouth to scream, but her voice was dry and scratchy. "Sonny," she cried again but it was barely a hoarse whisper. That's when she remembered the car accident. She remembered him. He took her.

"Somebody help!" She forced out as loud as she could.

She heard the door unlocking from the outside and then he stepped in and she came face to face with Carson Goldberg.


Carisi stormed into the squad room with clench fists, "Ok, where are we?" He asked, getting right to work.

"Carisi, are you sure you're ok?" Olivia asked.

"I'll be better when we find her." Carisi replied.

They exchanged worried glaces again, and then Carisi gave them a glance of his own. One that said, hurry the hell up.

"We haven't been able to trace either of their phone," Fin spoke up, "The last ping was leaving the sight of the accident. After that we figure he tossed the batteries."

Carisi nodded, "Ok does he have any other property? Somewhere he could have taken her? Or anybody in his life that would know the answer to that question."

"Not that we can tell," Amanda said.

"So what their just in the wind?" Carisi asked, "I don't accept that."

"Of course not," Olivia said, we're working on property records and we have uni's searching his apartment for any leads.

Something clicked in him, "I wanna see it." He said.

"See what? The apartment?" Fin asked.

"Yes, I wanna see it." Carisi demanded.

"I don't know if that's a good idea," Amanda said with uncertainty.

"Good idea or not, I'm going." Carisi said, and he turned on his heel to leave.

"Carisi wait," Olivia called after him, he stopped and turned back around. "You shouldn't be driving in your condition...Fin, take him to Goldberg's..."


Tru stepped back as he took steps toward her, until she was backed against the wall. "Carson, what do you want. Why are you doing this to me." She demanded.

He brought his hand up to face and traced the outline of it with his fingers, making her tremble under his touch. "You know why I'm doing this."

"No," Tru scoffed, "I don't!"

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