chapter twenty-three

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Anaya and Jameela stood in front of their house, the same one that was once full of sweet memories, but now offered nothing but trauma.

"It's not safe here. We need to go somewhere with more people."

"We should call the police," Jameela suggested.

"We can't do that, Martha told me they have their people planted in the police. It'll get us in more trouble if anything. Amee, I have to go inside and get my spare car keys and money, we can take the bus to the school, and hopefully, if my car is still there we're going to leave...far away." Anaya, said her heart racing, as she was more scared now than she had been in the past months.

"Stay right by me," Anaya said, as they went inside.

They made their way to the doors, and Anaya pulled the door as it was open. The floors reeked of bleach and chemicals they must've used to clean off what happened the last time they were here. Both the ladies covered their mouth and nose with the cloth of their top, as they rushed up the stairs.

As Jameela stood at the door, Anaya looked around her room that looked as if multiple earthquakes had passed. Her mattress on the floor, her closet scoured through. She had to pause to look at it, tears making way to her eyes, as her heart broke reminiscing what little was left of her previous life.

She quickly took the large white plastic bag that laid on the corner of her closet, putting as many clothes she could fit in it. She took the envelope she placed in her dresser, and it had been opened, yet the money was left untouched, the couple hundred dollars would get them through a couple of nights before she can access her bank.

"Let's go." She said taking the stuff and running down the stairs, to grab Jameela's things. They rushed out the door and walked to the nearest bus stop. Anaya couldn't help but feel pathetic, as she waiting for the bus to arrive.

What had her life come to?

"Hasbunallahu was ni'mal wakeel. Allah is sufficient for us." She kept reciting.

The bus finally arrived, and they paid and took a seat at the front, holding each other's hand. Not even a few minutes later, the bright blue logo of her school could be seen as the bus stopped. They got off, and walked to the back parking lot, praying her car didn't get towed.

"Alhumdulilah," Anaya whispered, seeing her car, parked just as she left it. As soon as she unlocked it, they both got in, and immediately Anaya opened the glove compartment of the car double-checking the taser she had bought a while back.

"If only I kept this in my purse instead." She said, letting out a bitter laugh.

She took the taser out and put it in the middle, where it was easily accessible. She locked the car driving out of the parking lot promptly, and for hours and hours on end, she drove.

Passing through empty roads, and stopping at gas stations, she needed to stay somewhere far away and crowded. After driving alone for six hours, only stopping to pray, Anaya finally stopped at a downtown. It was 12:58 AM. The streets were full, and the lights were as luminous as ever, dozens of people walked by, giving her a small sense of security. She parked right down beneath a hotel and walked in and checked-in.

The night cost her $98. They headed up, and she collapsed on the bed right away. Her arms and legs cramping from the drive.

"Are you okay?" Amee asked.

"I don't know."

"It'll be okay, have faith in Allah. You're so strong, Habibi." Amee said, caressing her head.

"Take a shower, and pray. Then we can sleep." Amee added.

Anaya got up with the 2% energy she had left grabbing an outfit from her bag. She went into the washroom and turned the shower on. She was so worried about Amee being outside alone, she rushed through it. After drying up she put on her clothes and opened the door quickly trying to find Amee, and after seeing her fine she exhaled.

Anaya took one of the extra towels and laid them out on the floor towards where she remembered the sun. She offered two raqats for Isha as she was traveling, and while waiting for Amee she brought her hands up in prayer and vented her heart out. Begging Allah to guide her somewhere safe.

- - - - - - -

Ali slammed down the sixth cup of whiskey he had drunk. He had been drinking since last night, yet not a single sip of the numbing liquid could take his mind off of Anaya. Every time he thought of her, his heart began to race, worrying about where she must be. Finally, he got disturbed enough and slammed his fist at the marble counter shaking the various bottles of alcohol that were underneath it.

"I need to go," He said getting up, pulling Erika's hand off of his shoulder, only for her to grab his arm again.


Erika had made her way to Alis house the second she heard news of Anaya's departure. She had put on the most sultry black dress she could find, yet to her dismay Ali had not looked her way once.

He yanked her handoff, as he suddenly began to feel annoyed and repelled by her presence. He left the bar without another word and ran outside dialing the driver who dropped Anaya off.

"Yes Sir?"

"Where did you drop off Anaya? And where did you see her going?" He asked.

"I dropped her at her house, and I left immediately. When I left they were standing-"

"Damn it," Ali said hanging the call.

Ali clutched his forehead, frustrated with himself. His mind was becoming dysfunctional with how intoxicated he was, and it made him mad.

"FUCK ALI!" He said, kicking the concrete.

"Is this about Anaya?" He heard Erika say.

"Oh fuck off please," He said, heading back inside.

Erika knew it was about Anaya, it had to be. It made her deranged to know that Anaya meant this much to Ali to make him like this, she couldn't handle the thought, she followed Ali back to his room silently.

"Luis, I need you to track down Anaya's car from this instant and tell me the location it's at, or it was at most recently."

"Yes Boss, one moment."

After a brief silence, minus the tapping of Ali's foot. Luis finally replied.

"Boss her car was last seen at 210 Diamond Avenue."

"210 Diamond Ave. Perfect."

Erika, having heard what Ali said. Wasted no time, she pulled out her phone and walked down the stairs, calling a certain someone.

"I have some information for you. Or more like a location. 210 Diamond Avenue. Do with that what you will." She spoke

"Conditions? There are no conditions- except oh!... Make sure she doesn't make it out alive."

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