Who Asked Who Out and When

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Happy early update my loves!! It's Friday! You made it through the week and can now hopefully rest for the weekend. I hope you're all doing well.

If you don't mind answering, let me know where you're from and who you mostly read for. I can go first! 😊 I'm from a small town in Indiana so I live in the US. And out of the boys, Corbyn definitely has my whole heart. But I truly love all the boys.

Appreciate you guys so much already! Hope you enjoy this little update. 😊

Xoxo Nikole💜


Daniel asked you the week after you got out of the hospital so about a month after meeting

Corbyn asked you about halfway through the first semester of freshman year in high school so around nine years after meeting

You and Zach started to actually date around two months after meeting when you finally asked him out on a real date

Jonah asked you out after a year of messaging back and forth after meeting that night

You asked Jack after a few trial dates about two months after meeting

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