What Do the Other Boys Think Of You?

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This is late I know I'm sorry guys! I had not the best weekend so kinda forgot about updating. But here's the new part. Hoping you all had a good weekend and you're ready to crush this week! 


xoxo Nikole

They all really like you. They love how you help Daniel through all his struggles. They also love that you make them cookies.

The boys have known you since the band formed seeing as you and Corbyn got together before then. So you've just always been there and they love having you around. You can always make them laugh and they love that.

The boys love how happy you make Zach. They also love that they get a discount on pretzels because you work there.

The boys hate how honest you are at times but they love how happy Jonah is with you.

The boys love having your kind soul around. They think you bring out the best in Jack and they love seeing him in love. 

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