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Hi yall! I know it's been forever since I updated and I'm really sorry about that! I started my senior year of college on the 2nd so I've been super busy with classes, assignments, and figuring out when to do what and still fit me time in. 

I hope you're all doing well and staying hydrated and healthy! 😊 Remember to take time for yourself because your mental health is JUST as important as your physical health.

I love and appreciate EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!!!! 

xoxo Nikole 💓

Daniel (Five years after you started dating)

You and Daniel took a spontaneous trip to Paris to celebrate being together and alive for five years. You had been doing a lot of sights seeing but Daniel said he had something special planned for later that day. He told you to dress nice so you decided on your longer pale pink dress. 

After taking a few hours to get ready, you were finally ready to leave. Daniel was in a suit and you were loving every second of it. It's not very often he will wear one so this must be something really special.

After taking a taxi to a location he lead you to the top of a building where you saw beautiful candles set up. There was also a table set for dinner and an orchestra playing. But the best thing was the view from the roof. You could clearly see the Eiffle Tower and it was breathtaking. 

You two enjoyed a very nice dinner and talked the entire time. You reminiced on past memories, laughed, cried, and fell even more in love. You honestly didn't think the night could get any better. But then he asked you to dance and your heart melted.

As you were dancing, Daniel started whispering in your ear. "When I met you five years ago, you changed my life. I was at a point in my life where I didn't know who I was or who I wanted to be. But you came into my life and helped me find myself." You smiled as he talked. "Y/N you bring so much joy to my life and I cannot image my life without you." He said pulling away and looking down at you. "I can't imagine mine without you either Dani." You say brushing your thumb over his cheek. 

"Y/F/N." He said your name and pulled something out of his pocket. He slightly backed away from you and bent down to one knee. Your heart raced as he opened the small box to a beautiful ring. Tears sprung to your eyes as the love of your life was ready to fully commit. "Will you do me the extrordinary honor of marrying me?" He asked. 

You were so overly joyed you almost forgot to answer as you were looking up at the sky. "Yes Dani. Of course I will." You said pressing a kiss to his lips. You were wrong, the night definetly got better.

Corbyn (Seven and a half years after you started dating)

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Corbyn (Seven and a half years after you started dating)

You and Corbyn had planned a little hike while you were roadtriping. You were currently in Main and wanted to walk through some of the evergreen tree paths. It was a little chilly today so you decided to dress more comfortably for the cold. 

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