Chapter 3

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We had been filming for a 2 months now and i had never been closer to anyone i just had developed an inseparable bond with everyone. Leo had asked me and Johnny to go bowling with him so i was getting ready for that but ive bever bowled before so well see. Johnny had volunteered to drive me there. I finished making my two braids on my bob length hair and finished picking out my outfit.
The outfit:

The outfit:

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I was about to try to pick out a sweater when I heard a car beep outside

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I was about to try to pick out a sweater when I heard a car beep outside. It was johnny. I ran out of the house straight into his car and slammed the door "Hey!" i regretted saying that so excitedly.He giggled. He ended up telling me a lot about his hectic childhood and how he would move from house to house cause his family didnt have much money. He told me in his teens his parents divorced and how strongly that affected him, he said during that time of his life he turned to drugs and hardcore drinking even though he was just a kid. Anyways he said that had to be the ruffest time of his life and that he couldn't begin to tell me all the mistakes he made. He dropped out of highschool at 15 to see if him his band could try to make it, during those times all he did was lock himself in his room and play guitar and play their songs in clubs and drink and experiment with drugs, thats why he moved here actually but things went wrong he went from the few little jobs he could find. Acting was his last chance, he was giving it all he had, he didnt know if he had any other option, he told me that had the hardest time of his. Right now it wasnt going that bad for him, but how long could you go being a actor if your career isnt going that far.After about half an hour we finally made it. "Shit, it's raining like crazy" Johnny said. "Yeah I heard there was gonna be a thunderstorm tonight" "Let's run" he said and he got out of the car and ran to my side of the car and opened the door. "Hurry" he didnt have to come get my door cause all he did was get more soaked but it was really sweet. he grabbed my hand and we ran to the door with our hair and clothes soaked and we giggled to the entrance. That's when we saw Leo inside.I got my shoes and we all went over to put them on so we could start playing and then I felt johnnys gaze on me but didnt say anything. "I already went first, you fucks took forever" Leo said. I was shocked when he knocked them all over on the first try. Leo laughed when he saw the shocked expression on my face.He was pretty good. "I know,I'm very multitalented" i rolled by eyes. "Your turn y/n" "Uh ive never played before" "What!?" Johnny said. "Yeah" I looked down. "That's okay I can show you" Johnny smiled at me. Leo rolled his eyes in annoyment feeling i liked Johnny. He wrapped his arms around me grabbing my hands and putting it on the ball trying to signal me on how to swing it right. It felt really nice, people dont hold me very often. I threw it the best i could having no idea what i was doing. "wow that wasnt that bad" he said and shot a dreamy smirk at me."Dont lie to her that was horrible" "Youre scared you have amazing competition" i joked winking at him not being able to wink. "whatever you were doing with your eye dont do it again" i rolled my eyes. At the end i lost by far bjt we had so much fun. Johnny won by 2 points and Leo was pissed and being a sore ass loser saying he didn't actually win, now we were all eating pizza at the food station. "Leo accept it that you lost" Johnny said. "Okay but you're didn't really win either so"Leo said" Fine fine if you say so" Johnny said "Okay but you didn't" Leo said. "Oh my god shut up" I said slightly laughing as I took a sip out of Johnnys soda. "Hey that's mine!" He said and I said "I know but im broke" i said sarcastically but truthfully. the manager of the bowling alley came over to us and told us that the place was closing already since it was already 12 am. "Leo you need a ride?" Johnny asked him abd he noddedJohnny was the only one that had a car. Leo was always getting a taxi or riding his skateboard everywhere. Once in a while they both skateboarded to set but usually not cause i forced johnny to give me a ride all the time. "It was still raining like crazy outside when we got out so we had to run to the car once again. "Fuck my hairs soaked" Johnny said. "'Mine is 10 times worse " I giggled. "Yeah..." Johnny said and stared at me. Water was running down his hair and clothes but he looked so pretty. His eyes looked so mesmerized and every feature of his face was so unbelievably wow"HELLO?! what the fuck are you guys doing youre getting soaked. He was rigjt we were gonna wet the whole car we ran in and Johnny started he started the car. "Bye leo!" we dropped of Leo at his house he still lived with his parents which made sense, we were all so young his parents are amazing plus they give hin so much freedom. "Fuck!" i heard johnny jump as the thunder hit, it sounded so close. "Don't freak out if I call you at 3 am cause the thunder got to strong" I joked. "I wouldn't mind i barely sleep " he smiled. I felt like i was blushing but hopefully i wasnt.                                                                      Johnnys pov
On the way home she was on my mind I know I haven't known her super long but I've never known anyone like her, she's so.. i dont know just magnetic. Her energy. and she liked so many things i liked i had never heard anyone even mention. It was currently 3 am I told myself I wouldn't catch feeling for anyone I worked with but I cant help it right now and I know she was joking when she said not to freak out when she called me at 3 am cause of the thunderstorm but I was still kind of hoping she would. Maybe I should call her... she wouldn't mind right? I dont wanna wake her uo though. I took a stupid shot at it and
I dialed in her number. I didnt know why i was actually calling her cause i knew she wouldnt answer vut to my suprise she actually di-  "Johnny?" She said in a sleepy voice, interrupting my anxiousness to call her . "Y/n,um hey i dont wanna bother you i just couldnt sleep an-" she cut me off saying "No no it's okay i haven't really been able to sleep anyway it's raining way too hard." She giggled. What a pretty laugh.
The next morning
Me and y/n had stayed up till like 6:30 am just talking about our life and things but I had never felt so free and not judged before when I spoke to someone. I didnt talk to many people growing up and the few i didnt i wasnt that open with only with my brother and my older sister not with debbie my other sister thought idk we werent that close sadly. I hung up because it sounded like she had fallen asleep and we had to be on set by 8am so I kind of felt bad. Fuck i wasnt able to sleep at all. I had some coffee and brushed my teeth to get going.
Y/n's pov
*beep beep*
I immediately woke up when I heard my alarm and felt bad remembering that I had fallen asleep on Johnny on our call last night I just hadn't slept in 2 days. The conversations we had was amazing, he was being so honest with me and telling me all about him and he made me feel so comfortable with whatever I told him.

How I met you-Johnny Depp Where stories live. Discover now