Y/n's pov
I noticed when I got to set it was already 8:10 and I ran inside noticenly nervous, luckily no one noticed. "Alrighty you guys hurry up and get over here i have some interesting plans i need to tell you guys about"the director shouted. "We're all here" Johnny shouted. "Okay I need to talk to you guys for a bit, come sit at the table with me." I was nervous about what he would say to be honest. "were getting a trailer better for money" he rolled his eyes" and were gonna go around to certain states around the U.S. theres so many places that are better for us to shoot abd more in the budget k just need you guys packed here by tomorrow k?."" Leo had a stupidly excited look on his face. "Yep but you guys would have to be here at 4am tomorrow, I know it's early but we have to get on the road." "Yeah maybe ill be here by 5" Johnny added. "don't worry we'll be there." I was kind of embarrassed to ask Johnny but I didn't wanna ride my bike out here at 4am so I asked him "Hey johnny" i grabbed his arm in mine and innocent and annoyingly batted my eyes at his "What is it princess?" he said jokingly and maybe it was my issues but i didnt mind that name. "Remember when you said you wanted to pick me up on your way here tomorrow really badly" i grinned. "Um no i actually dont quite recall" He said his playing back, his hands in his pockets and me still holding onto his arm. "You said that to me too actually!" Leo added. I cracked up both of us looking up at his. well. i was looking up at him they were a lot taller. "well see if i do" he winked at us meaning yes. After filming for a couple more hours the director sent us home early so we could rest for tomorrow. As I was getting ready to go Johnny told me "y/n if you want I can drop you off at your house" he said slightly blushing."Oh that'd be great but um what about my bike". "Don't worry we can put it in the trunk." He said and gave me a smile. "You can go getting in." He told me. As I got in the passenger seat I saw him putting my bike in the trunk. he doesnt notice how dreamy he is. " On the way to my house Johnny asked me if I wanted to stop for ice cream and we'll I couldn't resist that so here we were at the ice cream shop that was in the middle of the park. I got cookies and cream. the only flavor i get really. Johnny got "salted salt ice cream" id never heard of it. "I'll pay" I said handing him the money and he snatched it from me and gave the lady his credit card "No" He said giving me my money back. "dick" i rolled my eyes "I'm paying next time.""so there's gonna be a next time." "there migjt" we both smiled at each other. i stopped myself catching myself staring at him again. "Come on" he grabbed my hand "lets go eat by the pond" Johnny said. "stop! there's a pond!" I said getting too excited which Johnny laughed at "Yes there's a pond, there even some ducks in it." He winked at me. "really!?" I said. "im not playing" he grabbed my hand almost without noticing and dragged me to it. i liked the feeling of our hands intertwined. he had cozy hands and it was pretty cool today. "Oh im sorry I- I didn't mean to" "Don't, its nice your hands are warm." He blushed at we kept our hands together. I was looking at the lake to see if i spotted any ducks or if i was being lied to. After we ate our ice cream we regretted it. "I'm fullll" Johnny groaned then I jokingly nudged him hard and he fell in the lake but I couldn't hold in my laughter "You did not!" He told me "but i did..." I said. I stepped away so he wouldn't pull me in but it was to late he grabbed my hand and threw me in with him. When I got out from underwater we were both giggling so hard and then I saw Johnny staring into my eyes and I don't know why but I'm that very moment I felt so safe. We stayed there looking at each other for a couple of seconds until Johnny put my hair behind my ear and told me "Um... you're so pretty y/n you know that" I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks "I- I am?" I said and saw him glance at my lips quickly "Mhm" Johnny smiled. then I saw Johnny check his watch and said "Oh shit it's 9 I told my friend I'd be home by 8" I chuckled "You have a curfew?" I said l holding in my laughter. "No! I just told him I would be, shut up get in the car." "With our clothes all soaked?" I asked. "Yeah, fuck it" he joked so I giggled and hopped in the car. Our clothes wet and the weather was really breezy so I started rubbing my arms to feel less cold cause I was freezing and my nose was red. "You cold?" Johnny asked. "just a little" i said actually freezing my ass off. "I think I have a sweater in the back, you can grab it if you want." I took of my seatbelt to check the back and saw the brown leather jacket Johnny had on earlier, so I grabbed it and put it on. It was sooo warm. It was one of those jckets with fuzz inside. "Fuckkk thanks" i said accidently moaning at the warmness i was feeling and i got red. "No problem" he blushed noticing. "Oh here we are" Johnny said as I saw my house. "Lemme get your bike for you" I got out of the car to the trunk and Johnny took out my bike for me. "Um thanks for today Johnny, I havent enjoyed myself like that in a bit." I smiled grabbing my bike. "so did I" he told me and I kissed his cheek having the urge to so badly. "See ya" I told him referring to set tomorrow. "Bye, doll" he told me which I found kind of weird since he had never called me that before but I liked it. I said bye again as I got inside my house, nearly bumping into the mailbox destracted my him.

How I met you-Johnny Depp
RomanceJohnny Depp and y/n get casted in their first movie that will soon be their big break but they can't help it when they fall deeply in love with each other. Set in the mid 1980s. (Mature chapters will be labeled) Number 1 in #youngjohnnydepp