Part 2

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Timeskip – Three Months Later


I was cleaning my bedroom when my phone lit up, "Jimin?"

"Y/N!" He sounded so thrilled. "What's going on?" I set aside the vacuum cleaner and sat on the edge of my bed. "You might not be interested but I still thought of asking you," he tried to explain his side first. "My dear best friend, don't beat around the bush. Fire it," I chuckled.

"My boss is looking for a new secretary and I thought you wanna try?" His voice trailed off. I sighed and put my free hand on my lap, "I don't know what a secretary does Jimin."

"You're a fast learner Y/N. Are you up for it? Just email me your resume and I'll forward it to my boss," he said.

I rubbed the back of my neck, still a bit hesitant on the new career I was about to take. "Is your boss easy to get along with?" I inquired.

"He is. And you've met him before when you went to a business event with your ex."

"What's his name?"

"Kim Taehyung."

Timeskip – Six Months Later


I was having lunch with my best friend on a restaurant near the office. And yes, I got accepted on the company where Jimin was also working. It was a gaming company named Land V Kim. I don't know, but I always end up in a gaming company. "How's work so far?" Jimin asked as he chewed his favorite meal.

I giggled at his cuteness, "When will you ever learn to not speak when your mouth is full?" I handed him a tissue.

He swallowed the last piece and grinned. His weary brown eyes almost disappeared, "I've never seen Mr. Kim this satisfied." I gave him a reluctant nod, "What do you mean?"

"You don't believe me, do you?" He cocked an eyebrow and straightened his back, putting his spoon and fork down. "His secretaries were always afraid of him. They always get shouted for a simple mistake. Yet, since you came, we never heard him turn into a monster."

"Wow," I slow clapped as I shook my head. "Very well said Jimin. Why didn't you tell me that earlier?" I crossed my arms in front of me.

He choked, "I didn't?" He responded innocently. "I really didn't?"

I took a piece of tissue and playfully threw it at him. "You cunning man!"

"At least you got yourself a new job now," he smiled proudly of himself.

I coyly winked at him, "Thank you."

He rubbed the side of his arms acting disgusted, "Ewww, don't ever do that again woman." We both whooped with laughter.

All of a sudden, a deep-low voice approached us. It was our boss. Kim Taehyung. "Would you mind if we join you?"

"No. Not at all," I boldly said. I looked at Jimin who seemed a bit nervous. Why? He mouthed. I just shrugged my shoulders in response.

"By the way, this is Kim Namjoon. My older brother," Mr. Kim introduced the guy beside him.

"I hope we didn't disturb you guys," Mr. Kim Namjoon politely said. "We are fine Mr. Kim Namjoon," I smiled earnestly at him.

He let out a small laugh, "You don't have to be formal Y/N. I've heard a lot about you." I was surprised to know that he knew about me. How on earth? Then, he turned to Jimin's direction. "You were referred by one of our best employees here," he pointed to my best friend. "Jimin right?"

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