Chapter 2; new school.

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Elena's POV

First day of my new school should be fun right? Well it should be fun for an out-going, not shy and non witched girl, but alas, I'm not that girl. Mum told me this school could be fun, she told me that most of the students there are athletic, musical and smart. I'm none of those except for the last one.

I wouldn't call myself musical because I don't even know how to play an instrument, well I can play the organ, like one of those massive pianos you see in orchestras? Yeah those. Mum taught me how to play those because my dad used to. I really enjoy it myself but other than that, I don't play any other musical instrument, and I don't think Norwest Christian School would take students who play such an old fashioned instrument. I sighed and finished my breakfast that contained Cheerios and a cup of tea. I'm sure most people would drink orange juice in the morning but not us Brits!

After finishing my cereal, I took my bowl and washed them up in the sink. "Are you ready love?" Asked

"Yeah, I think so." I shrugged.

"You'll be fine love, try to make some friends alright?" She rubbed my shoulders in comfort and kissed the top of my head. I nodded, we went outside to the garage and got into the car that was provided by my mum's company, it was a Holden Cruze 2015 modelled car in red. It was really cool. We got inside and drove off, not forgetting the garage door of course.

"Good luck honey! Make some friends and tell me all about it after school okay?" She smiled and gave me one last hug before I step out of the car.

"Yes mum, I'll try." I rolled my eyes playfully and waved goodbye as she drove out of sight.

Okay, now here's the hard part. If you're wondering why she's encouraging me to make friends, well it's because I was homeschooled for almost my entire life so I'm kinda shy when I meet new people. Mum thought it'd be a good idea to start fresh in a new country and go to an actual high school before I turn 18 and graduate. I agreed hesitantly because I wasn't so keen on meeting new people as I have bigger problems to worry about.

My homeroom teacher has already emailed me my schedule so I know what subjects I'll have for today, for my first period, I have biology, and it's in the Science Lab 3. I glanced at my watch on my wrist and it read ten past 8, I still got time.

I wander around before I enter class, I wanna be at least familiar with my surroundings a little bit before my 2nd or 3rd class. This is a massive school, I must say, but that's probably what I'll say to every school I see as I've never went to a public government school before and this is the first one that I've actually enrolled to.

I wander around more and see many different types of students. There are the jocks, football players basically. Soccer if you're American. Cheerleaders, nerds, goths, and so forth. I mean, I wouldn't categorise these people but you just know what they're into and what they're not.

I took another glance at my watch and it was 5 minutes to half past 8, I have to get to class, I wouldn't want to be late for my first day, that is definitely not the best way to make a good first impression. But you still don't know where the science lab is you dimwit, my subconscious scolded. I mentally slapped myself in the face and shook my head. How am I going to get to class? Ask someone for goodness sake. Yeah, maybe I should, this would be a great opportunity to make friends.

I walked up to this tall, blond guy? Boy? Either one, and patted him on the shoulder. He's really tall.

The blond turned around and I'm met with eyes of ocean blue. I took a good look at his features, he has really blue eyes, prominent cheek bones, a lip piercing and a little stubble growing on his chin, he was wearing a blue Nirvana shirt with a pair of skinny jeans with his right knee cap ripped and a pair of converse. All I can say is that he's gorgeous. "Yes, can I help you?" The blue-eyed blond asked politely. Now that I think about it, most of the people here are blond and blue eyed. Wow.

I snapped out of my daze, "Yeah, I was wondering if you knew where Science Lab 3 was?" I asked.

His eyes lit up and nodded, "Yeah, I do know where that is, it's the class I'm heading to right now actually, would you like me to take you there?"

I nodded and smiled gratefully at him. "Yes please, thank you."

"You must be new here." He implied.

I nodded, "Yeah I am, is it that obvious?"

He chuckled, "Yeah, with that British accent of yours."

I flushed and smiled, looking down. "I'm Luke, Luke Hemmings. Nice to meet you." He took his hand out.

"Elena. Elena Strauss. And likewise." I smiled and shook his hand.

We walked to the science lab together and we ended up being lab partners because he sat next to me. Turns out, Luke and I have the same schedule for this semester so we're basically class mates. Our homeroom teacher, Mrs. Brown is a lovely teacher said Luke, she teaches Physics and she's very caring. I won't be having homeroom till tomorrow so I'm actually quite excited to meet her.

"Alright settle down everyone, we have a new student today, would you like to introduce yourself to us?" Mr. James, our biology teacher, called out.

I froze at my place. What do you mean, what the heck!? I didn't sign up for this shit. Luke must've sensed my sudden change of emotion so he turned to me and smiled reassuringly.

"You got this, just introduce yourself. You'll be okay." He whispered and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding and stood up, I could literally feel all eyes on me including Luke's. "Hello everybody, I'm Elena Strauss, and I transferred here from London today." I said loud enough so everyone in the lab could hear me.

"Thank you Elena, I'm Mario James Morrison, your biology teacher. You may refer me as Mr. James. You may take your seat now." He introduced and smiled at me.

I sat back onto my seat, "Now that wasn't so bad, was it?" Luke grinned at me, I couldn't help but giggle at his cheeky behaviour.

"Yeah, it wasn't, I'm just a little shy." I flushed.

"I could tell, but you'll be okay if you stick with me." He offered, I nodded and thanked him, grateful to have already made a friend on my first day. Mum would be proud, my subconscious laughed. I also feel a little less anxious now than I was when I first moved here, it must've been the surroundings that wasn't familiar to me, I don't know, but I'm glad Luke is here with me, I could tell that we'll be very good friends.

Hope you're enjoying this story so far! Do you ship Luena? Or Emmings?

I think I'll make a schedule on when to update so you'll know when you expect the next chapter to be up.

I'll update on Sundays and Thursdays. But I decided to update early today to thank you for 80 reads!

Please do tell me what you think and that's it! Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment! xx

Next update; Thursday.

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