Chapter 2

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Miyo ran to the edge of the cliff, finishing off the last villain, looking down over the water. Midoriya, Asui, and Mineta were in the water, a man reaching from Asui. The man paused, his hand inches in front of her face. He looked behind him.

Miyo followed his gaze and her eyes widened. "No...."

Aizawa was pinned to the ground on his stomach, his arms broken. His head was in the hand of a large man. Blood poured down his face. Underneath him was a large crater, presumably from where the man had slammed his head into the ground.

The large man raised Aizawa's head, yanking him back with enough force to pull his body up too.

Miyo's feet moved on their own and she rushed down the cliff. "Shota!"

Aizawa grunted, pain shooting through his body. But he maintained eye contact with the blue haired guy who finally turned fully to him. He suddenly collapsed forward as a rush of air whizzed past him.

Everyone stared as the large man, Nomu, was sent flying. Standing there in a defensive position was Miyonori, her fists clenched in front of her.

"The hell do you think you're doing to my teacher, huh?!" She yelled as Nomu slowly stood. "Pick on someone with a Quirk that can match your own!"

"Who's this?" The blue haired man sounded annoyed, but intrigued at the same time.

She glanced at him. "I'll deal with you later! Right now..." She took off toward the giant of a man, who straightened. "You're mine!"

"Wait-!" Midoriya called, but it was too late.

Miyo threw a punch, but it didn't move Nomu. Her eyes widened. "What...?" Nomu swiped at her and she ducked under it. "Looks like I'm gonna have to try again." She sprinted around Nomu, skidding to a halt behind him. She leaped in the air as he turned his head. Her punch slammed into his face, but he didn't stagger.

He grabbed her arm and threw her hard into the ground. She cried out in pain as her back bounced off the dirt. She turned in midair, landed on her feet and skipped back. She growled slightly, eyes scanning the beast.

Okay, think, Miyonori! Attacks aren't fazing him. Why? He's All Mi-- That's it! Shock absorption! It would take All Might's hard punches and not move. That's their game. To kill All Might and this is how. Her eyes flicked to the pink flesh of Nomu's uncovered brain. And there's the weakness. But I wanna try this first.

She took off toward Nomu. The blue haired man laughed.

"Foolish girl! You've already tried attacks!"

Miyo turned last second, sprinting circles around Nomu, creating an air suction, taking oxygen from the area. Nomu staggered, falling to one knee. "Suffocating Tornado!" She grinned. Yes! It's work-- She slammed into something. She hit the ground and rolled several times, close to where Aizawa was laying

She looked up, one eye closed in pain. Nomu had stuck his arm out and she had run into it. She grit her teeth and stood, shakily.

Suddenly the man with blue hair was behind her, reaching for her. She turned her head, eyes widening.

"You forgot about me, young hero!" He cackled. He grabbed her throat, but nothing happened. "Damn you, Eraser Head."

Aizawa was standing behind him, his eyes red and his hair standing up. "Get your hands off my student." His arms hung uselessly at his side.

Miyo kicked up with her leg hard. It snapped against the man's chin, making his teeth slam together. He dropped her and she caught herself on her hands while swinging her leg out, sweeping his legs out from under him. She leaped over his body and rolled to her feet, standing beside Aizawa.

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