Chapter 5

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The day of the dance finally came. The girls flooded Miyo's room at ten in the morning, waking her up.

"What the hell?!" She grumbled sleepily as they dragged her from her bed.

"Get showered! We're gonna get ready here!" Uraraka exclaimed, clapping her hands.

"It's ten a.m!"

"So?! More time to get ready!" She shoved her toward her bathroom. "Now go!"

That evening, someone knocked on Miyo's door. Ashido answered it. "Tetsutetsu! Hi!"

The Steel hero grinned. "Hey, Ashido. I'm assuming Miyo's in here?"

"Yeah! Gimme a sec!" She turned around, running to the opposite side of the room. She pulled a pretty looking girl to the door. "Here she is!"

Tetsutetsu's eyes widened. Miyo was standing in front of him, her hair pinned back in an elegant bun, with some of her hair hanging down to frame her face. Her dress was floor length and was a light red color. The dress fit her nicely, correctly accentuating her chest, but in a modest way. Her makeup was almost non existent and the necklace around her neck was a single white magnolia with pink splitting the petals half way.

The boy felt his jaw drop slightly.

Miyo flushed. "Um, hi...."

"Whoa...." He shook his head when she looked at him funny. "You look gorgeous! I love your necklace!"

She gently touched it. "Thank you. It was my mother's. It's an heirloom."

"It looks great on you." He held out a plastic container with a corsage made of white flowers. "I guess I made the right choice with the flowers, huh?" He smiled.

She chuckled. "Yeah." She took it from him and he helped her put it on.

"There. Shall we?" He offered his arm and she took it.

The gym of the UA was filled with balloons, streamers, and people. Tetsutetsu grinned as people turned when they walked in. He looked at Miyo, whose face was bright red. His smile turned into a frown.

"You okay?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah.... Just don't like the attention," she mumbled.

"Ah, they just realize you're the prettiest girl in the room."

Her cheeks turned crimson and she looked away quickly. A certain redhead caught the corner of her eye and she looked.

Kirishima was standing in a group with Bakugo, Sero, and Kaminari. He was facing away from her so she couldn't get his attention.

Sero, on the other hand, was facing her direction. He spotted her and raised a hand in a friendly wave. The others followed his gaze. Kaminari's jaw dropped. Bakugo smirked and gave her a secret thumbs up.

Kirishima just stared. He could've never imagined her more beautiful than her normal self but she proved him wrong. He wanted so much to tell her everything.

Tetsutetsu noticed them looking and led Miyo over. "Hey, guys!"

"What's up?" Sero held out his hand for a fist bump.

"Nothing much. Just got here!" His free hand tapped against Sero's.

"Looking pretty spiffy there, my guy," Kaminari added. "Like the suit."

"Huh? Oh thanks. It was my dad's." He laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

Bakugo looked at Miyo. "You look so weird in that."

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