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a/n- hiii! i'm really excited for this chapter!! ik you will be confused when you read it but trust me you'll understand later!


"i don't dance sorry" spencer said pulling away from you.

"buttt you will tonight" you said as you dragged him in a circle right back in front of you

you grabbed spencer's hands and placed them on your hips. you then proceeded to place your hands on his shoulders.

you both began to have an intense gaze that was almost impossible to break. you could feel the fiery desire in spencer's eyes. his eyes slowly dragging up your curvy figure.

"you must be really good at staring contest huh?" you teased.

"yes i've always been great. did you know when i was approximately 7 i won this staring contest between this 70 year old man" spencer said as his lips folded in a straight line.

"see now if i was there... the competition would already be over" you said with a slight smirk appearing on your face.

"oh really?"


and that's what did it. spencer couldn't contain himself anymore. he grabbed your waist with one hand and your red rosy cheeks with another.



you jolted up from your bed.

the crisp fall air from your window seeping through...

"what the HELL" you cried searching for your phone.

that dream wasn't enough you needed some kind of interaction with spencer and not just in a dream.

you debated on texting him. it was late at night but you were feeling bold. you wrapped yourself in your white comforter and began to chew on your bottom lip. you finally gave in.

you reached for your phone on your dark grey wooden nightstand... and began to text him.

2:40 am

y/n - hey... we met at the haunted house today :)

spencer- y/n?

y/n- hmmm how'd you know my name? are you stalking me dr?

spencer-  now if i told you that you wouldn't even imagine talking to me again

y/n- is that so?

spencer- i've seen you for the past 5 years. i've watched you the whole time. i've been curious about you just to shy to ask.

y/n- really? well i guess today is your lucky day.

spencer- ohh is it now?

y/n- yep haha

spencer- if you don't mind me asking why are you up so late?

y/n- oh uh i just woke up from a really bad detailed nightmare

spencer- what happened?

y/n- it was this really weird dream about my mom but it's nothing. i got scared so i decided to text you.

spencer- that's funny because i was just going to text you.

y/n- is that why you're up so late?

spencer- part of the reason. the other half is i've been working on a case.

y/n- a case?

spencer- FBI

y/n- whattt no way that's so cool

spencer- yes, i'm a profiler but enough about me. what about you? do you think we can go out tonight?

y/n- sure.

spencer- are you sure?

y/n- yes ofc

spencer- okay. text me your address. i'll be there in 30.

⭒ ⭒ ⭒

no way. no way this all just happened in the span of like 7 hours. you were shocked but on board with anything at this point. your mother always told you not to talk to "strangers" but he. he was the only exception. you didn't ask any questions but that was the least of your worries.

you quickly jumped out of bed and walked towards the closet. you winced as your feet hit the cold floor. you searched through your closet trying to find a great piece of clothing to fit this occasion.

than you instantly knew what you wanted to wear. you picked out a white collared shirt and a oversized sweater with little happy pumpkins on it. you threw on some mom jeans and finished your outfit off with your black high top converses.

for your hair, you just let your curly moisturized hair fall free.

you got a text from spencer saying he was outside. he told you to bring a blanket also.

you wondered what he had planned...

HAMZAH but it didn't really fit! thanks for reading omg <33

Strangers in October || Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now