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a/n- not me having writers block AND forgetting to write chapter 4 😀👋🏽


"it's great to see you again" spencer said as he looked at you... taking in your beauty.

"you too" you giggled

"where are we going" you questioned while staring at the dark midnight sky.

"you'll see soon"

and in this very moment you honestly couldn't describe the feelings you were feeling right now. you knew nothing about him but you've known of him for 5 whole years.

"so about what you said earlier.. did you mean it?" you asked furrowing your eyebrows while you grazed your fingers over his black leather armrest

"mean what?"

"that you acknowledged who I was for the past 5 years..."

"of course"

there it was. the awkward silence and awkward conversation. you didn't know what else to say... but for some reason it felt like a good silence. you both were just admiring each other's existence.

"we're almost there... here-" he fumbled with his hands as he carefully put a black cotton blindfold on you

"spencer what is this?" you said as you managed to grasp onto his cold clammy hands.


as you guys slowly approached the place he led you out of the car and you stumbled many times but somehow didn't get hurt.

he walked behind you. leading you to the special attraction. the crisp air blowing in your face and the damp dirt appearing on your converses


you quickly took off your blindfold to see nine humongous white letters lit up across the mountains.

"no way"

spencer's smile widened as he began to speak "did you know the sign was originally composed of 13 letters that spelled out "HOLLYWOODLAND" and in 1949 they removed it and it just became "hollywood"

"pack it up einstein" you chuckled as he grabbed your hand and led you to the sign.

"are we even allowed to be up here?"

"no but it's like 5 AM no one really cares"

spencer laid out a blanket over the dirt and you both sat staring at the view.

the beautiful city of los angeles

he brought an extra blanket just in case you got cold andddd eventually you did. he gently wrapped it around you and pulled you closer to him. the warmth from his body was oddly comforting.

"so what are your fears" spencer said out of the blue



"hmm i know this sounds cliche but probably someone i looked up to leaving me out to dry"

a tear began to form against your dry skin

you quickly wiped it before spencer could notice

"so uhhh what about you?"

"well my biggest fear already happened. losing someone i loved very much" spencer said as he turned his head away from you

"oh my i'm so sorry i- i'm really bad at comforting i don't know what to say" you said stuttering

"oh no it's fine. her name was maeve. she was the sweetest person ever but she was um..." and now a tear started rolling down his pale white cheeks.

"spencer are you okay?" you said as you wiped his tears with your thumb

"yeah no i'm fine sorry as i was saying... she was killed right in front of me" spencer froze for a minute and starred at the big bright stars

you were stuck too. you knew what it felt like to lose someone so close to you. your mom left you when you were 8. only a little girl... without a mother figure to look up to... and you still haven't seen her since

after you and spencer shared almost everything about yourselves the conversation was getting dry so you decided to bring up something that's been bothering you.

"sorry to ruin the moment but... the girl you were with... cat i believe? who is she?"

spencer paused and looked at you for about 2 minutes

"do you want the honest answer?"

"i would like it yes"

"she practically begged me to come to the haunted house and she said if i didn't let her come she would kill my mother so.."

your hand flew right over your mouth not believing a single word he just said.

"you're joking"

"i wish i was"

the silence was there again. but this time spencer broke it.

"also this is probably a bad time to mention this but i don't live in los angeles. i live in the east coast. quantico , virginia"

"you've been coming all this way to LA for a haunted house?" you said in shock

"ever since the past years i knew i had to start coming every year"

you paused for about 5 minutes. not processing anything he said but one thing. this didn't make sense. you know you've seen that cat person before you just couldn't put your finger on it. why would she all of a sudden want to come along this year? something was off and you couldn't figure out what it exactly was....

a/n- lolz idk where this book is going ngl also these chapters are so rushed my apologies 😃👍🏽👍🏽

Strangers in October || Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now