What's wrong?

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        Harry hadn't seen Draco since they had decided to become official. For the past week Draco hadn't been going to any meals. He barely saw him in classes and when he did he was surrounded by Slytherins.

Ever since Draco had changed his ways many muggle-borns had formed around Draco almost like a protection squad. He could barely see him through the squad around him.

He had tried to visit Draco but the second he showed up at the door he had been turned away by a group of Slytherin girls he had never met before.

All of a sudden Draco had become the treasure of Slytherin. Every Slytherin was protecting him. Something major had to have happened for every Slytherin to form a Draco protection squad.

After transfiguration class Harry went down to the Slytherin common room. Draco had told him the password so he wouldn't have to open the door for him when he visited. "Muggle-born."

It was a little ironic but Draco had asked his painting to change the password so all Pureblood supremacists would have to be reminded whenever they entered that Slytherin house was in fact changing.

He entered the house and was immediately stopped by a group of third years. A girl with green hair to her feet narrowed her striking grey eyes at me. "Leave."

Harry sighed. "It's been a week. I'm worried about him. He's my boyfriend just let me see him."  The girl shook her head. "No. He doesnt want to speak to anyone after his father- SHIT!"  Harry raised an eyebrow. "Lucius is in Azkaban. What could he have done to Draco from prison? Let me see him please. What's your name."

The girl sweept her long hair up into a ponytail. "My name is Amity Confruk. Nevermind about Lucius Malfoy. You can't see Draco. He's wouldn't want you to see him in his state. After everything he's done for me."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "What did he do?"

"He saved me from my abusive father. If it wasn't for him I'd be dead."

Harry nodded. He had never known. But then again why would he know. Short of last year they were complete enemies. "Amity please let me see him. Not for long. Please. "

Amity hesitated. "Fine. Only because I know how much you mean to him." And the girl stepped aside to let Harry pass.

Harry hugged her and walked to Draco's room where he once again was stopped by Pansy, Blaise, and Symphadora. Pansy sighed. "Has Amity given you permission?" She asked. Harry nodded and reluctantly the group stepped aside to show the back of Draco's head.

Harry slowly approached and gaped at what he saw. Draco Malfoy was a mess. His hair as all over the place. His eyes were bloodshot from crying and fresh tears were running down his face. For the first time in Harry's life he saw Draco in sweats and a hoodie.

Draco looked up at him with his sad gray eyes. "Harry?" He said barely audible.

Pansy and Blaise and Symphadora read the room and left. Harry sat down on Draco's bed. "What did your dad do? I'll tell Dumbledore."

Draco immediately shook his head. "I've set an appointment for tommorow to tell him." He handed Harry the note.

Dear Draco,

As you know I am trapped in Azkaban thanks to Harry Potter. You know ots been going around that my son is in love with Harry Potter. Me and Bellatrix are breaking out of Azkaban and the first thing I plan to do is take Potter from you. Just as I killed Narrcissa. Slowly with Sectumsempra. If I feel like it, I might kill you."

-Lucius Malfoy

"Draco we have to talk to Dumbledore now. This is to important to wait all the way until tommorow." He said. Draco reluctantly nodded. "Come with me?" He asked in such a broken voice.

Harry nodded and helped Draco up.


When they got to the office Harry stepped up to the door. "Lemondrops."

The door flung open to a reading Dumbledore. Albus Dumbledore looked up from hos book with a smile. "Mr. Malfoy." He said. Draco flinched. "Draco please. I don't like to be associated with my father since my mother."

"Draco then, wasnt our appointment tommorrow?"

Draco nodded. "Yes sir but I-I-I-." He tried. Harry stepped forward. "It's to extreme to wait. Read this letter proffesor." He said and handed Dumbledore the letter. The man read the letter. As he went on his face furrowed in worry.

When he was finished Harry spoke up. "I'd like Draco to sleep in the Gryffindor house. I don't want Lucius to find him in the Slytherin house. I now his friends and his little sister is in danger so they could have beds too."

Dumbledore turned to Draco. "How do you feel?"

Draco hesitantly shrugged. "It's fine." Dumbledore stared at Draco for awhile. "No. Draco will be fine. From what I've seen every Slytherin has been protecting him. I see no reason to make unnecessary changes."

"But professor that's the safest thing for him! Lucius will KILL him!"

"From what I read he wants to kill you more than the latter Mr. Potter. My final answer is no. If that is all you best be running off to dinner. Draco would you mind staying for a bit. I wont keep you to long to miss dinner."

Harry sighed and left slamming the door behind him.

Dumbledore somewhat smiled at Draco. "Mr. Potter is very passionate about you staying with him. A little to much if I may say." He said. Draco nodded. Dumbledore cleared his throat. "I assume you're curious why I said no?" Draco nodded.

"I said no because I could tell you didn't want to move. As much as you denied it I could tell. Harry of course was a bit to bothered to notice."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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