Meet Alexander Hamilton

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A/N Hello. Welcome to this shit show called my book. Proceed with caution.

Alexander's POV.

Hi, My name is Alexander Hamilton, my friend's call me Alex- If I had any..heh. Anyways I am 19 years old and I'm moving to new york for college.

 I used to live in Nevis. 

Nevis is a shitty island in the Caribbean. I am so glad to be moving. 

I am all alone. 

My mom and I got really sick when was about 11, and I mean really sick. I got better but my mom-..she uh..she didn't make it. 

My dad left us when I was 13 so It was just me and my brother. When I was seventeen, a hurricane totally destroyed my town and killed my brother.

 I'm glad to be out of that hell hole. Right now, I am currently on a train on my way to King's College. I basically wrote my way into getting a scholarship to King's- anyways that's all. I am a boring person who mainly just works myself to death and drinks 8 cups of coffee every hour. so..yeah..see ya.

A/N Sorry for this short ass chapter, I didn't know what else to write in this chapter but I promise there will be longer chapters ahead. Thanks for wasting your time on this book.

Bye beautiful horny sinful hamiltrash bitches ♡

Word count: 228

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