Original Memory Lane

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(900s) Arianna's POV

I'm remembering when Rebekah and I were carving our names in a cave. Rebekah is doing her name first as she's the oldest. Klaus finds us as she starts on the B. "Rebekah, let me have at it" he says holding his hand out for the knife.

"Quiet Niklaus" she says as she lowers the knife. " I am to have more concentration if I am not to slice off a finger" she tells him.

"Father will not like you handling the blade" he tells her.

"If we wish to wield a blade, we shall" I tell him.

"Father need not know" Rebekah adds.

"He will find out. He always does" he tells us.

"That is because you always tell him" we state.

"I cannot help it...he frightens me" Klaus mumbles.

"He frightens us all brother" I say in a gentle tone.

"That is why we stick together as one, always and forever. Right, traitor?" Rebekah asks him.

"Right" he says with a smile.

"Here. You finish it. We are to help mother with the meal, come along Arianna" Rebekah says.

"Yes, go tend to dinner, and leave the blades to the men, little sisters" he tells us smirking. Rebekah retorts by slamming the knife blade-side down into his palm, slicing it open. "Ow, Rebekah" he groans.

"It's just a little blood, be a man about it" Rebekah tells him.

"Don't forget to carve my name Niklaus" I added before leaving with Rebekah.


I'm brought back into the present by Rebekah. "Come on, or you'll be late for practice" she tells me. I nod my head and put my hair into a ponytail. She drives us to the school and we go to the oval where the girls are warming up.

Soon I'm doing some gymnastic moves for the girls and I notice Elena talking to my sister. "Keep it up girls, I'm just going to get a drink" I tell them. I walk over to Rebekah and Elena. "What are you guys talking about?" I ask them.

"This" Rebekah says showing me a photo of our craved names in a rock wall.

"I'm curious why you both and Klaus have spent a thousand years running from your father" Elena states.

"As far as I'm concerned it's none of you business" I tell her.

"I'll handle this Arianna, the girls are waiting for you" Rebekah tells me. "Don't forget we have shopping after practice for homecoming" she adds.

"I haven't forgotten" I tell her and rejoin the girls. After practice we go shopping and bring the girls to the boarding house. We dress them up in the dresses we'd chosen and invite Elena over. Rebekah and I agreed to tell her a little about our past on how we became vampires. Apparently Elena and her gang are trying to wake Mikael. We have to convince her not too, before it's to late.

We're in the foyer listening to music as we drink champagne when Elena arrives. "Hey, what's up?" I ask her a cheerful tone.

"Rebekah invited me over, to talk" she states.

"All right girls, have at it" Rebekah instructs. Six girls in various jewel-toned colored homecoming dresses walk in the room. "Okay, now twirl please" she tells them and they do so.

"You compelled your own private runway show?" Elena asks us.

"We need a home coming dress each, what do you think?" I ask her.

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