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I was not going to update but because of my lovely friend Sana ( mnopuiytddgch )
I had to update. So here is Ur update



Drishti was feeling uncomfortable n acward so she rushed to the washroom n vomitted
Suddenly she was shocked seeing ...........

Blood coming from her mouth . She was tensed as blood was not stopping. After many attempts blood flowing from her mouth stopped.

She thought to go n meet the doctor urgently. Before it's too late . She went before anyone noticed her . She did not tell anyone in the house .




Rakshit was sitting in mandap doing some ritual before marriage.

The ritual got over . N was the time for the bride to come.

Mahima : go simran bring drishti down

Simran went for bringing her .

After some time

Simran : badi mom I have searched the whole house but I couldn't find drishti Bhabhi.

Mahima : what ?? Where is drishti gone ??

Every body was getting tensed was drishti was not there

Rakshit emotions were flowing down . For first time rakshit cried for someone.

Suddenly the door Got opened

Every was shocked seeing drishti in sindoor n mangalsutra

Drishti : were u all finding me ???

Mahima : where were you n who is this boy n how u r in sindoor n mangalsutra

Drishti : ohh come on aunty he is not a boy he is my husband rishab Basu .n don't dare to say any words against him . I'll not spare you

Rakshit : is this the was to behave drishti ?? N don't joke around we r going to get married so stop this drama .

Drishti: I am not joking n am really not gonna marry u . Have ever watched Ur face in mirror . The girl whom ull marry will be the unlucky one

Rakshit was numb listening this he stood there his love , his trust, everything was broken

Seeing all this.

Vidya shouted : enough drishti . Be in Ur limits

Drishti : but mom

Before drishti could speak further someone slaped her

Yes she slaped her.

Vidya: don't dare to say anything. U can't be my daughter who used to be so lovely n pure hearted . N what u told to rakshit ' have seen Ur face in mirror ' and let me also ask HAVE U SEEN UR FACE ALSO ON MIRRROR ( she shouted )

Mahima: vidya ji sorry to say Ur daughter is a gold digger , she did everything thing for money 💰.

Vidya : u r right . Today I Vidya sharma remove my own daughter drishti Sharma from the house and from now she has no relation with any one of us .

Hearing all this drishti was numb she was about to cry but she controlled her emotions as she had her own reasons.

Vidya took drishtis hand n throwed her from the house .

With emotionless face rakshit left to his room ..



Rakshit sat on the bed n took out his n drishtis picture

He started looking at it . Tears were continuosly rolling down .

Rakshit : why drishti why ? Why do y do this ? U loved me na ? I had seen in Ur eye

Wiping tears from his eye he said :

Now I got to know love just give pain . From now there is no relation between me n her n from now there will be no LOVE space in my life.

Saying this he went to change


Hello guys !!

Here's Ur next update

Don't kill me for this

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584 words !!!!

Target : 40 votes

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