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Vidya came with tears flowing all the way to home.

She started calling sarthak.

Vidya : sarthak ji , sarthak ji , where r u ?? Come down fast, I want to tell very important thing to u .plzz come fast .

Sarthak came down running.

Sarthak: yes Vidya, what happened, why r u calling me so urgently, is anything wrong??

Vidya: I'll answer all Ur questions but plzz first listen to me

Sarthak: tell

Vidya: u know today I went to hospital for Ur report.

Sarthak: yes I know. So what.

Vidya : plzz don't interrupt in between n let me speak.

Sarthak: ok continue

Vidya: so today I went ...... ( N she explained the incident happened in hospital)

Sarthak: what ??

Vidya: yess . I did very wrong. I didn't understand my own daughter. Who never used to disobey me or u since childhood n she did such a big thing without anyone noticed.

How could I do such things ??

I removed my own daughter from house n said her so many things . Which she listened without saying anything. She never back replied me.

Sarthak was numb hearing the incident.

Vidya shook him to come to reality , his eyes were having tears as his daughter did not tell anyone anything. She hide such a big thing from them .

Sarthak: u did very wrong Vidya . I will not spare anyone if anything happens to my princess.

Vidya : I know u r angry but plzz calm down . And let us go n meet drishti


At Basu mansion

Sarthak n Vidya came n asked servant for drishtis room .

Servant: sorry sir , we can't let u go there , drishti mam has not allowed anyone to enter there .but I'll call her call down. May I ??

Sarthak: plzz go fast .


In drishtis room

Drishti was ideally sitting when , Servant knock the door

Drishti: yes come in

Servant : mam some one has come to meet u . They r calling u urgently.

Drishti: who r they ??

Servant: I don't know mam . But they were calling you urgently n they r waiting down for u .

Drishti: ok . Ask them come to my room .

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