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Drishti was crying continuously, remembering each n every moment which she spended with  rakshit

Drishti: sorry rakshit ,sorry I   hurted u na  ..... M very bad ... But I had my own reasons for doing so .... Plzz forgive me

I can't see u in pain but if I had told u the reason then u would not let me go so preventing u from a big pain I had to give u some pain 😭😭

But u know what today I also learned that


Soon her loud cry was turned into sobbing n while sobbing she slept


Next Day ~~~~•••

In morning

Rakshit was again turned into a sadu,       akdu ,bedil form

Rakshit : mom I'm going to office

Rakshit said n went to office with a emotionless face

All were sad bcoz of yesterday's incident

Mahima : bcoz of this drishti my rakshits happiness went away . When I met her first she was a pure hearted person n now she turned into a gold digger....

Ojas : yes Bhabhi u r right

Mahima: she is bad curse wherever she'll go that place will automatically turn into a bad place.

Suddenly Chetan shouted: ENOUGH! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!

   CHETAN : stop it every one have u ever thought y did she did this ??. Maybe she is having some reason for which she is forced . Have anyone thought about this ???

Mahima: don't take that gold diggers side

Chetan : stop it mahima . U don't know the reason for which she did this.  so before not knowing anything u should not talk about any ones character

Mahima : whatever it is . She is reason for my son's sadness

Chetan curved his eyebrows n left from there Without saying anything...,..


Rishab : I know drishti u r very sad n today is a very special day so I'll cheer u up ( he said to himself and went to call drishti)

In drishtis room~~•

Rishab knock the door but no response came
He knocked for many times but still no response came from inside.

He finally decides to break the door ..... As soon as he breaks the he seees ............


Drishti sleeping on the bed with a pale , emotionless, n tear striked face

He was feeling very bad for her ... But soon composed himself n went towards the bed n caressed her hairs that had been completely mess .

Rishab: drishti get up !! Get up fast !! Today is a very special day!! Get up fast!!

Drishti by rubbing her eyes open them n looked at him n asked

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