episode 5

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That voice.
I shifted my phone slightly to the side to make sure it was really him. It is him!

Chaenny : fuck *i curse under my breath*
Jimin : you seem very shock baby?? *smirk* didn't you the one who want to meet up??
Chaenny : *scoff* your the one who want to go
Jimin : you look more prettier in real life and more sexier *bite his lips*
Chaenny : ew pervert!

He slowly walk toward me

Chaenny : you better stop
Jimin : if i don't want? what you wanna do??
Chaenny : i-i i call the bodyguard!
Jimin : go ahead

I'm about to scream for the bodyguard but suddenly his face already an inch in front of my face

Jimin : you said one word then i can't control myself *smirk*
Chaenny : Ji-Jimin
Jimin : yes baby?? *he buried his face on my neck*
Chaenny : stop *i push him gently*
Jimin : wae *whines*

He go on top of me

Chaenny : y-yah Jimin!
Jimin : sorry baby, i can't control myself anymore

I start panicked. Oh gosh help me. He lean closer and closer. I try to push him but he's way stronger

Eunhee : hoe- oh god sorry
Chaenny : no no Eunhee-ya!
Jimin : *he look into my eyes* are you guys perhaps lesbian??
Chaenny : what are you talking about *i push him*

I sit up and fix myself

Eunhee : is that?
Chaenny : *sigh* yes
Eunhee : woah bitch
Chaenny : bwo?
Eunhee : 他好烫! (Ta hao tang) *he is so hot!*
Chaenny : 闭嘴 (bi zui) *shut up*
Jimin : what the hell you guys talking about??
Chaenny : *laugh awkwardly* nothing. Eunhee this is Jimin. Jimin this is Eunhee
Eunhee : nice to meet you
Jimin : me too
Eunhee : 如果你不想他,可以传给我 (ruguo ni buxiang ta, keyi chuan gei wo) *If you don’t want him, you can pass it to me*
Chaenny : yah KIM EUNHEE!
Eunhee : alright fine. relax
Chaenny : *fake yawn* oh! I'm sleepy Eunhee. Let's go home!
Eunhee : what? That's you, i'm not sleepy. Bubye!
Chaenny : Eunhee!

She left.

Chaenny : why am i even friend with her *mumble*
Jimin : what did you say babe??
Chaenny : nothing. Can you please stop call me by nicknames
Jimin : i told you it suit you babe

He comes toward me while i'm stepping back until my back hit the wall

Jimin : where do we stop earlier baby?
Chaenny : Jimin no!
Jimin : Jimin no! *mimicking me* in chat, your temperament is savage but in real life *smirk*

He about to kiss me but someone interrupt

Jungkook : hyung!
Jimin : *sigh* what!
Jungkook : opps! Sorry. Pls continue
Chaenny : no no *i glare at Jimin*
Jimin : Kook Chaenny. Chaenny Jungkook
Jungkook : nice to meet you noona! *he show his rabbit smile*
Chaenny : aww but don't call me that
Jungkook : but you older than me
Chaenny : how old are you??
Jungkook : 22
Chaenny : ahh~ thank you for safe me *i hug him*
Jungkook : safe??
Jimin : okay enough hugging my girl kook!
Jungkook : what if i don't want to??
Jimin : Jungkook *grit his teeth*

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