episode 7

980 40 3

~next morning~

I woke up feeling really happy as that annoying ass Jimin didn't text me but it's kinda weird. He didn't texted me from yesterday hm maybe he already have a new target. Kinda miss him. What! The! Hell! Are! You! Talking! About!

Chaenny : *sigh* maybe i just being weird because my stomach is empty. It's okay baby, i will fill you up with more delicious and malicious food *i caress my stomach*

I do my morning routine thingy and after i done, i go to the kitchen.

Chaenny : okay what we have here. I'm lazyyyyyy. Let just have delivery food

I take my phone

Chaenny : oh? Why my phone off?? Urgh! Like seriously! I'm hungry right now! Why i'm not charge it yesterday??

I run to my room to charge it. Now what am i gonna do?? Aha!! Eunhee!! I quickly run to Eunhee room. I burst the door open to see no one

Chaenny : where is this bitch go??

I search at living room, if she have left some note for me and i found it

Dear hoe ;)
I'm not home
Pretty Eunhee to Ugly Ruby ♡

Chaenny : yes i know your not home! But where?? Aish this bitch!

I go to my room and try to open my phone to call this crazy bitch. When my phone open, a thousand of message and calls flooded on my phone

55 calls from hotstuff
156 message from hotstuff
47 facetime from hotstuff

Chaenny : woah he really crazy. I was wrong, i thought he didn't texted me

I call him back and he pick it up really fast

Jimin : babe??
Chaenny : why you call me?
Jimin : are you okay baby?? Why you didn't text me back?? Did something happen baby?? Wh-
Chaenny : woah woah i'm fine. I forgot to charge my phone after we facetime and my phone off. I just charge it this morning
Jimin : *sigh in relief* you scared me! I miss you babe
Chaenny : i'm hungry right now don't make me more mad!
Jimin : oh? Didn't you eat?
Chaenny : *sigh* all food in the fridge really hard to cook and i'm very lazy. Eunhee go out and i left alone now with this fuckin phone!!

I heard all her complaints. It's really cute when she complain about food to me. It's like a child who left alone

Jimin : *chuckle* baby relax. What you want to eat now?
Chaenny : i want some bibimbap ani i want jajangmyeon. No no hm tteokbokki!
Jimin : *chuckle* cute. Oh babe, i need to go! Babye! Muahh!

Then i hung up the call. I quickly wear my clothes and run take my keys. I run to downstairs and saw Eunhee?? What is she doing here? Whatever. What is important right now is Chaenny

Jimin : Eunhee-ssi give me Chaenny's address
Eunhee : oh? Wae?

She take her phone and start text me Chaenny's address

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