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I decided to cut my day short today.  I didn’t have any meetings today.  I  just couldn’t concentrate on work.  I can’t escape Vuyolwethu Bhengu.  He is in my thoughts.  Everything he did to me last night keeps coming back to me.  I’ve been horny the whole day today.  I haven’t spoken to him today or seen him and I hope and pray that I don’t.  Leaving work early is also my way of avoiding him in case he comes to the office and I thought I could escape the thoughts of him by coming to the mall. I guess I thought wrong.  Everything keeps playing back as if it’s happening right this very minute.  I crave him, I crave all of him.  I’m sitting at Mugg & Bean and it is crowded.  You would think that at least that would distract me but hell this man is invading my thoughts and my body is betraying me.
Her:  Uyanda!  UYANDA!!!  (When did she get here.)
Me:  Hey Tasha
Her:  I’ve been calling you.  Where did you go right now?  Are you ok?
Me:  I’m ok.  I guess I just got lost my own world.  How are you?  What are you doing here?
Her:  I’m good just busy.  I’m meeting someone.  Business meeting, she might be a potential investor.  I want to extend my business.
Me:  Why didn’t you tell me?  I’m also looking to invest in something.   I like your business, send me a copy of the proposal and let me look at it and let me know how it goes with your meeting today.
Her:  You already have your own business and you are also employed, I didn’t think you would be interested.
Me:  I am interested dear.  This is something for Danny.  The money I will be generating from the new venture will go into his trust fund that I just opened.
Her:  You really love him.
Me:  he is my son Tasha and he makes it easy for me to love him.  People still talk but I don’t care.
Her:  People will talk Uyanda.  I like that you don’t care and continue doing you.  All you need now is man, a proper man not that obsessive Mzoxolo.  That guy is so obsessed over you.
Me:  I told him it was over between us and he told me he is not giving up on us. I mean there was no us, I just wanted good sex and that wasn’t even that good. (She looks at like I’m crazy.) 
Her:  it was good, just not good enough for you and you know that.  None of the guys you’ve been with can keep up with you and I doubt you’ll ever meet anyone who can. 
Me:  Ok fine, you are right.  (my thoughts trail off to Mr Bhengu.  I think I’ve met my match but I can’t tell her that because I also don’t know what’s going on. I know what’s going on just not sure about it.)
Her:  I feel sorry Mzoxolo because I think he has really fallen for you.
Me:  I just don’t feel the same way he does and I can’t keep him around just because I feel sorry for him.  (she gets up, kisses mu cheek)
Her:  I have to go; the lady I am meeting is here.  I’ll come by your house later.  I miss Danny.
Me:  See you later then.  (she leaves me to my thoughts again.  She is right though.  I haven’t met a guy that can keep up with me. She says I’m too active.  Screw this I am going to his office.)

Uyanda is an amazing woman and I want her.  I want her in my life but I’m afraid she is right about me being unable to keep up.  The woman has a very high sex drive but I still want her.  I think we can make it work.  We just have to try but she doesn’t want to and I don’t know what to do right now to get her to agree.
Him:  thinking about her again?
Me:  yes.  What are you doing here, aren’t supposed to be at work?
Him:  I thought we might do lunch.  Come on let’s go.  We’ll meet him  at Mugg & Bean.
Me:  You planned lunch and didn’t tell me?
Him:  we didn’t plan it.  Lumko called wanting to meet up and asked me to pick you up.
Me:  I see.  (I grab my wallet and keys and we leave.)
Him:  You are really falling for this woman aren’t you?
Me:  I think I am.  I just want to give it a try and I want to try with her but she is not interested.
Him:  why is she not interested?
Me:  I told you about how active she is sexually and it might be a problem between us.  She is also very adventurous.  I love that about her.  There’s never a dull moment with her.  She always wants to try new things. (When we get to Mugg and Bean, Uyanda was leaving.)  I’ll be with you guys in a minute.  Uyanda Hi
Uyanda: hey, how are you?
ME:  I’m good and you?
Uyanda:  I’m good.  I’ll see you around.
Me:  Uyanda wait (she turns to look at me) I really want us to give this a try.
Uyanda:  And I still stand by everything I said to you.  It won’t work Mzoxolo especially with the fact that I don’t feel the same way you do.  Don’t get yourself hung up on me Mzoxolo, you’ll get hurt.
Find yourself a nice woman that will feel the same you do.
Me:  I’m not giving up on you.  (she walks away as I walk to the guys and join them.)
Lungile:  You need to let her go man.
Me:  that’s the problem, I can’t.
Lumko:  remember what happened last time.  Don’t take yourself back there Mzo.
Me:  I won’t.
LUmko:  I hope not.  This time I don’t think you will recover.  Keep that in mind.
Me:  I hear you man. (I understand what he is say and I really cannot take myself back there, I really need to be carefull with this.)
Lumko:  guys I wanted to meet with you because I have something to tell you.
Lungile:  are you dying?
Lumko:  no man.  I’m getting married.  I proposed to Kuhle.
Me:  we always knew you would be the one to get married first but are you sure you want to marry this woman?
Lungile:  I was just about to ask the same question.
Lumko:  yes I’m sure.  I love her.
Me:  and she loves your money not you.
Lungile:  Look man we love you and we care about you.  Don’t get us wrong.  If you are sure about it,  we will support you and we will be there for you but you really need to think hard about this.  She doesn’t love you, she doesn’t take care of you.  You have a maid that does everything for you except the sex.  The woman doesn’t even cook for you.  You are always cooking. I get that you love cooking and all but sometimes it’s nice to have your woman serve you dinner when you come home from work.  She is not even the type that wants to have kids and you want kids.
Me:  He is right man.  You really need to think about this.  Who knows if she is not gallivanting with another guy while you are at work?  The girl loves money Lumko and you are providing her the lifestyle she wants.
Lungile:  Speak of the devil.  There she is.  I’m sorry Lumko but you are not the only guy in her life.
Lumko:  what are you talking about?  (he turns to look to where Lungile was looking, I do too and this Kuhle woman is with another man, very cosy at that. Lumko gets up and walks towards them and we follow him.  she hasn’t even noticed us.  She kisses the guy she is with.)
Lumko:  So this is what you do when I’m at work.  You are sleeping with other man.  Give my ring back, don’t bother coming to the house, there’s nothing for you there.  (the shock mixed with fear on her face – Priceless)
Guy:  what ring are you talking about?
Lungile:  she didn’t tell you.  My friend proposed to her and she said yes.
Guy:  is that true Kuhle?
Lumko:  Look man I have no quarrel with you.  Kuhle; the ring please.  (she can’t even talk.  She opens her bag, takes it out and hands it to Lumko.)
Kuhle:  Lumko I’m sorry.
Lumko:  I don’t need your apology. 
Guy:  Kuhle what the fuck is going on here?  (at this moment we walk away and leave no before paying our bill)
“Uyanda what are you doing to me?  I ask myself.  I want her, I want to make her mine.  I want to be inside her every day.  I want to kiss her every day. I want to touch her soft skin every day.  I want her to wake up next to me every day.  Last night was amazing.  She is a very interesting woman and very sexy at that.  Since I met her, she is all I think about.  A knock interrupts me.
Me:  Come in.  (I didn’t have to look at the door to know that it’s her.  What is she doing here?)
Uyanda:  Mr Bhengu, How are you today?
Me:  I’m fine Miss Jafta and you?
Uyanda:  I’m fine.  I am here to fetch the original contract.
Me:  I thought you were going to send someone to collect it.
Uyanda:  I decided to come myself.  (she sits on the chair opposite me and looks me in the eyes.  This is the first time she has looked into my eyes so intensely and it is turning me on. I can feel my dick betraying me.  I decide to get up and take the contract from the second desk that’s in my office and I put it  on the desk in front of her.)  Thank you Mr Bhengu.  The installation of the new software will be done on Sunday so that there are not interruptions when you guys are working.
Me:  thank you Miss Jafta.  (she looks at me again)
Uyanda:  What’s going on?  (I expected that question from her.)
Me:  I want you, I want you to be mine but I am scared you might not want to be with me and I am saying all this knowing that you are twelve years older than me and frankly I don’t care about that
Uyanda:  Why would you think that?
Me:  there’s a lot you don’t know about me Miss Jafta, and you have all the time to learn about me.  I’ll tell you one thing that scare women about me.  They don’t want to stay when I introduce them to the kind of sex I like and my life style.  I’ve had one that stayed but she stayed for the money and at some point I had to let her go.
Uyanda:  what could be so scary about your life.
Me:  it’s not scary, it’s just a lack of understanding .  Tomorrow I’ll fetch you from work, you can have dinner with me at my place and I will tell you everything you want to know.  (She gets up and comes around to my side and turns my chair so that I face her.  she stands between my legs caresses my face slowly and playing with my beard.  She is looking straight into my eyes)
Uyanda:  I can’t stop thinking about you.  You’ve been on mind every minute of the day since Tuesday.  I can’t stop thinking about what you did to me last night at the restaurant.  I don’t know  what’s happening to me.  Every time I am next to you my body betrays me. I want you.  If I am twelve year older than you then that makes you thirty.  Frankly I don’t care. (I take her face into my hands and kiss her)

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