Chapter 6- A New Head-Mistress & Pottah

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~I Fall Apart- Post Malone~

A few days later, Filch was putting up a new Educational Decree. 'Number 119: Dolores Jane Umbridge has replaced Albus Dumbledore as head of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.' Draco stared at it as Luna came up next to him and grabbed his hand. He whispered in her ear. "This school has really gone to the dogs."

"We'll get him back, Draco." She knew how much he actually cared. He nodded and squeezed her hand slightly. The two had finally gotten to a first name basis.

As the weeks passed, the paintings in the staircase room were taken down, the great hall turned into a classroom, and the castle doors were locked. Draco's 16th birthday had passed, and he got a present from Luna. It was a butterbeer cork necklace that had a small engraving that said 'Ally to D.A.', along with a copy of The Quibbler. His mother had got him a guitar because she knew how much he liked music, and how much it would help him.

Umbridge had been punishing the students in D.A. three times a week in the great hall. Everyone outside of Dumbledore's army stayed in their common rooms, while D.A. wrote in the great hall with Head-Mistress Umbridge's "special quill."

The last set of O.W.L.'s was the next day, and Draco was stressing out. Hermione usually helped him study for tests in classes, but he got stuck with Pansy. They sat at a table by the window that had a view of under the water in the lake. Draco was catching up on some last-minute assignments, while Pansy talked about how dumb the Gryffindors were. "Pansy!" Draco finally shouted. She silenced quickly and so did the whole common room. "Can you shut up?"

"Why? Don't you agree?" She looked at him.

"No. I'm trying to study because unlike you I actually want to pass my O.W.L.'s. So can you please stop talking, or leave me alone!" He smiled sarcastically, then took a sip of water.

"Damn, calm down." She said, not even trying to hide that she was smiling at his anger.

"Don't make me do it." Draco gave her the death stare.

"Do what? Duel me?" She laughed. Everyone in the common room gasped and muttered in whispers.

"Yeah. I'll duel you." Draco stood up.

"Are you sure? Pansy stood so as well.

"Yeah, duelling, breaking a huge school rule that could get us both expelled, sure why not. It's not like we've never been very.. close." He said, and she gave him an evil smirk.

"Alright." She grabbed her wand and so did he. "Move!" She shouted as they made their way to the center of the room. Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise moved the couches and they got into position. Pansy stared at Draco. They faced each other with their wands up in front of their faces. "Scared?" She asked, faking a pout.

"Not even a little bit," Draco replied, eyebrows narrowed. They turned and walked away from each other. They stood 20 paces apart and faced each other again. They raised their wands. "Begin!" The house ghost, The Bloody Baron, shouted. Peeves, luckily, was taunting Filch. Pansy shot her spell first.


Draco cast the protection spell protego. "Confringo!" He shouted back, using his knowledge from Auntie Bellatrix.

Pansy blocked it. "Levicorpus!" She yelled, which she had learned from Severus Snape.

Draco blocked it. He didn't want to be held in the air by his ankles. "Stupefy!"

Parkinson forgot to block his time and pain shot through her body. She wailed in pain, and weakly shouted her next spell. "Rictusempra!"

Draco blocked, and shouted "Expelliarmus!" Watching Pansy's wand as it went flying through the air. She stood up straight, and Draco fired his last spell. "Petrificus Totalus." Her body froze and she fell to the ground. There were cheers and claps, Draco had won. Everyone else was also trying to study and she was annoying. Another Slytherin girl picked up Pansy's body and put her in the girl's bedroom. The boys moved the couches back, and everyone acted as nothing happened.

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