Year 5: Goblet

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I avoided most of my friends all day though they tried to stop me at any chance they could. I hated turning them away or avoiding them, but it's what I needed to do. Voldemort wouldn't be so kind the next time he caught me not listening to his orders.

I went to the Astronomy Tower to try and study for a while, but I grew frustrated with my school work because my mind was elsewhere. I got my books together and debated on where to go. If I went back to my room I'd most likely run into Zara who I know was going to be bugging me with questions I hadn't figured out yet.

Then again if I went to the library or common room I just risked running into other people. I didn't really have much of a choice so I went back to my room keeping my head down as I went there. I walked up the stairs to my room and opened the door to see Zara at her desk.

She turned around when she saw me come in and I went straight to my desk and set my things down. I knew she was staring at me, but it was so much easier to just play oblivious. I thought she was going to keep quiet, but just as I turned back around she started railing me with questions.

"Where have you been all day? We've all been worried sick about you." She said looking at me.

"I haven't been feeling well." I said flatly.

"I woke up early for breakfast this morning and you had already left. Then I get to breakfast and you're no where to be seen, then I heard from Cedric at lunch that you were bleeding in the halls. We all tried to talk to you at some point today and you've been pushing off each one of us. We're worried sick about you." She said and I felt like I was being backed into a corner.

"I'm fine I just need some space okay, I don't want to be hounded." I said defensively.

"Listen, if this is about what happened with Cedric you don't have to act differently towards me. We're friends Aurora. You can tell me what's going on." She said.

"No I really can't." I said harshly as I went to the closet to find my scarf since I would be heading to dinner shortly. If she kept hounding me like this it was going to be even sooner that I left.

"Aurora, I get it Cedric lied to you. I'd be furious too, but you don't have to shut us all out. We're all worried for you, especially Cedric. We just want to know what's going on." She said and I knew she was worried. I could hear it in her tone.

"I am fine Zara, I don't need to spill every detail of what I'm going through to you." I said knowing I sounded meaner that I really had intended to. I need to be, to cut this friend ship off at the roots I needed to be a jerk. I didn't want to, but I needed to.

"We just want to help, we are worried." She said crossing her arms.

"I don't need help Zara, I need to be left alone." I said snapping at looking at her. "I don't need sympathy or help. Not from any of you."

"What is going on with you? You're being so harsh when we're just trying to help you. Just yesterday you were fine and now you're acting weird and walking into breakfast late with Malfoy. It's like you woke up a different person Aurora!" She said raising her voice which was very unlike her.

"You don't understand half of it, don't try and pin this to make me the bad guy!" I yelled back.

"Well when you act like all of sudden Draco is worth your time, but your own friends aren't, I might get a little bothered!" She said. "You know what his family is involved with Aurora."

"You don't know anything Zara, you know nothing." I said aggressively.

"Yeah because you won't tell me what's going on!" She said loudly and I was about to burst.

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