Year 6: The Necklace

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I woke early the next day to someone pounding on the door to my room I popped up and looked to Zara's bed and it was empty and made like she had left. I had worried I had over slept, but I relaxed as soon as I remembered it was the weekend. I threw my covers back and jumped out of bed and threw my door open. Draco flew into the room as full speed nearly topping me over.

"Get dressed." He said pulling my arm and dragging me towards the closet.

"What's going on?" I asked him trying to rub my eyes because I could hardly see straight.

"Get dressed Blaise found the necklace." He said opening up my closet. I just stood there as he pulled out clothes for me.

"What necklace Draco the suns hardly up, slow down." I complained.

"The necklace we talked about a week or two ago! The cursed opal necklace!" He nearly shouted.

"Draco we can't actually follow through with that, we're going to get busted bringing that in the castle." I said pulling away from him.

"Hear me out, we get someone else to bring it in." He said grabbing my shoulders.

"Yeah and who are we going to bribe into doing that to kill the headmaster?" I asked sarcastically.

"No Aurora use your head, we use the Imperio curse to get someone else to do it unknowingly. They won't be able to trace it back to us." He said excitedly.

"Draco you've jerked me out of bed before sun, I don't have a head right now just slow down." I said throwing my hands up. "Christ, what if Zara was in the room?"

"She just left with Luna and Cho." He said. "Come on get dressed we have to act fast."

"Are we even sure this is a good idea? I mean god what if we get caught with this stuff? Don't you think it's going to raise a few questions?" I asked him pulling him out of my closet.

"Aurora this could finish it, think of what Voldemort would do if he found out we actually killed him. Don't you think this would be great?" He asked me.

"Of course I do Draco, just slow down, please." I said desperately for him to just stop talking my brain couldn't process this. "Give me these and like 10 minutes."

I took the clothes from his hand and pushed him into the seat we stood by. He didn't complain and I went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I threw my hair up into a bun and jumped in the shower trying to wake myself up. I rinsed off and quickly got out and dried off.

I grabbed the clothes and pulled them on still hardly feeling awake. They were a warmer set of clothes thankfully, but I still wasn't ready to do something like this. I hardly understood this plan much less to go through with it. I got ready and tried to make myself decent. I cleaned up the bathroom and settled for what I had seen the mirror.

I pushed the door open to see Draco laid out on my bed flipping through one of my books. I shook my head not really caring and went to the closet. I sifted through my shoes trying to find my winter boots because it had just started to cool down at Hogwarts so I still hadn't pulled out everything I had needed for the season.

"You read more than I thought." He said and I looked over my shoulder.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"I don't know just didn't take you for the type." He said. "It's not a bad thing."

I sat down and laced up my boots and looked at him out of the corner of my eye. He seemed to be watching me fairly intently, but I kept my eyes diverted. I finished my boots which took much too long.

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