One more Night - Preparation

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--Chapter 3--


Night 1



Sean's Pov

We arrived at the restaurant by 11:45 pm ,nearly time for our shift to start. The Freddy’s building was completely immersed in darkness, aside from the light cast from the parking lot light ,arriving at night wasn't very pleasant i thought.

''How early you think we should have arrived ?'' Livia asked ,not expecting me to know the answer

''This should be early enough, i hope ''


Livia's Pov

We walked inside the building, the door is unlocked. We saw few employees finished up their tasks and proceeded with leaving immediately ''Why are they in rush to leave? '' i wondered

''Something is gonna happen...i guess '' Sean sounded like she know something about this place, is she keeping something from me?

We put on our 'Security' cap as we walked around pizzaria for abit, the lights in the main stage shone against the 3 animatronics on stage. ''They look creepier in the dark'' i shivers.

The manager came out from the office getting prepared to leave, he smiled when he saw us ''Welcome to your first night '',that actually made me feel a little better, this place looks nothing like we been yesterday, it seemed like a haunted building now.

We follow the manager who is heading to the office ,somehow ,Sean is not herself tonight ,no it was since yesterday ,i wonder whats wrong...

''Theres your seat, this is your office ,all you need to do is just sit there ,watch over the places''

We looked around the office, next to each door were 2 button ,there was a white one labeled 'Light' and the red one labeled 'Door' ,it isn't so bad after all, our seat is a little dusty but we'll clean it in no time.

''Its a little dark though..'' Sean complained, opps ,i hope that's not too sensetive for the manager to take it.

''Well, we can't afford to keep the electricity running all the time and that is why you have to conserve the power throughout the night, if used properly can at least last for 6 hours'' the manager explained, he look so tense, like he's worried about something.

''The cameras uses power, the door lights uses power ,everything from this office uses power from the generator ,so the more electrical objects are use, the faster it will drain.''

''Okay! '' i'm fine with the whole situation ,i guess ,to be honest ,i had a bad feeling after the manager explained the whole thing.

Sean seem awfully quiet ,i definetely gonna ask her what is wrong later ,i hate to see her like this ,i hate to see her all moody ,she used to be cheerful person since i first known her, or maybe shes just not satisfy with our job, but she's not the type of person who would whine over things like this ,maybe..just maybe...something is bound to happen...

''Alright, it's almost time for your shift to start ,be prepare ,i'm sure two girls is just a strong as one man'' he chuckled ''I'll see you later''.

He then left as i gave a slight wave, the clocked chime to 12:00 am ,that really surprised me ,it was quiet awhile ago.

''Lets do this'' Sean smirked as she look for the cameras on the desk ,and found something what looked like a touchpad '' There it is! ''.

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