another day at school

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Van couldn't belive this, had jfk always rode his bus, and how had he not noticed it before, jfk's voice was sooo distinct conpared to everyone else and, even though jfk was a stereotypical high school jock, there was something about him that made him difrent from the rest, something that made him so very hot and attractive. Even though jfk had some devilish good looks and a charming smile, that wasn't exactly what van was attracted to, yea sure he thought jfk looked hot but, there was just something about his charecter that really drew van to him but van just couldn't put his finger on it.
     Theu had a few more stops until they got to school so, van took his dark blue mp3 player and his black earbuds, the earbuds were wrapped around the mp3 player so that they wouldn't get tangled and van could spend more time listening to music rather than untangling earbuds. He pkigged his earbuds into the mp3 player and placed one of the earbuds into his ear and turned it on. The first song to play was art school wannabe, he loved folk punk, something about it just always put him in the right  mood, it was a genere he could cry to, get inspiration from or even calm down to. Folk punk was probably van's favorite music genre, he really like neutral milk hotel and soroity noise to.
    The whole bus ride to school van listened to his folk punk/ indie bands on his mp3 player occasionally stopping his music to listen to the sound of jfk's cackle or a joke he made.
     Riding the bus to and from school was really the only part of the day van liked, he could just sit in the back, keep to himself and listen to his music,  yea sure it was only a short while but it was still the best part of a school day to van.

     Pretty soon the bus pulled up behind another bus in front of his high school. The kids began pushing their way out of the bus, this was the best part about being in the back of the bus, you could just remain seated in the back of the bus and watch everyone fight like wild animals to get out of the bus, van never really got why they did this, it was just school anyways but, none the less he adored watching it, it brought a small smile to his face to watch his classmates fight like this.
     Soon enough van managed to get off the bus and although he wanted to kind of follow jfk he lost track if him and his red sweater so, he decided to just head into the building like usal.
     Van walked around blending in with the stampedes of students around him, he was a little slow at walking and had to practically run to not get trampled since he was so small and fairly slow compared to his classmates with long legs.
     Pretty soon he reached his locker and punched in yhe combination to unlock it were he took out a couple books from his sachel bag and placed them inside the locker. He shut his locker and placed a hand over his sachel bag and waited for the traffic of the students to die down so he could easily pass through his classes, yea sure doing this made him more vissable to the few still wondering the hallways than if he just joined the hurd but, it was easier to walk around and van really didn't want to deal with the possiblity of being tripped and his bandages falling off.
     Van gogh hurried to class, his first class for today was ela. He quietly walked into yhe class room, despite waiting for so long before even heading to class, there was less than half the class there.
      He took his usal seat in the back left corner of the room were he sat almost everyday unless a kid had already taken his seat, that eas his favorite part about his ela class, they got to choose where to sit. Van almost always sat in the back of the class if he had a choice, he didn't like answering questions and he liked to be far enough away from the teacher so that he can't hust look over his desk and see what's in hid lap for, van enjoyed doodling in class and although his ela teacher let them pick seats, she wad fairly strict but, as long as van had ok grades in that class she wouldn't get suspicious of him.
     Only a couple minutes had passed before the classroom stsrted flooding in with students, there were atleast 3 more seats than students so van was hopping no one sat beside him, no one usaly did since everyone always sat in their friend groups wich van wasn't in any of em. Van didn't m8nd having no friends as you'd think he would, or atleast that's what he would say, he liked being alone and never really let the thought of his loneliness get to him except late at night when sometimes it did but, for the most part  he didn't mind being alone, all this time to himself gave him plenty of time to think and to do his art. Like the origonal van gogh van liked to do paintings in a more than not realistic style but he also just adored making snall little doodles, he found them muuuch wuocker than large paintings but also he found them much cuter. Aling yhe margins of all his papers you could find theae cute little doodles of almost anything, hisself, others, animals, flowers, just whatever he felt like drawing that day. Some of his teachers didn't like this and would always leave notes telling to stop but most of his teachers just didn't care that he did that.
     Soon the bell rang and all chatter going on simmered to silence, there were still a couple kids trickling in but since the teacher hadn't taken attendance so they weren't maked late.
    Van doodled on his arm with a navy blue ink joy pen, he just make little flowers and smiley faces, he had no real ideas of what to draw but, he was bored waiting for class to start. Soon enough though class had began to start, his teacher cleared his throat and stood up from his sest behind his desk.
     "Welcome back from the weekend students, i hope that was swell" they began as they paced the front of the classroom their hands behind their back and chin pointed up. "My weekend was horid, we had to rearrange some of the student's and their classes so, today we have a few, late comers because of all that" after speaking they rolled their eyes and sat back down at their desk.
     "I fucking hate this job" they said under their. Breathe.
      The teacher began doing something on his conputer and was yet to give any sort of instruction.
      "Um....sir" a girl im the front row asked " what are we to do"?
        The teacher sighed and looked st the class " i don't know read a fuuuuuu......fudging book or some shit" he said with no enthusiasm.
      All the students took out a book and many of them just ended up hiding their phones in their books and scrolling through social media or something. Several of the kids were Acually reading as instructed though, van took out a book but continued his doodles on his arms.

// PAUSED \\  goghfk (jfk x van gogh// Clone High )Where stories live. Discover now