OTP #6

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Tord is on a date with Tom. Tord spends the entire day trying to reach for Tom's hand to hold it but hesitates at the last second and stop himself altogether. Finally, he gives up. Tom then easily takes Tord's hand and holds it tight.


Bakugo and Kirishima are watching a horror movie together. Bakugo claims that he isn't scared, but Kirishima doesn't believe him. As they watch, Bakugo begins shrinking into the couch and into Kirishima, still not wanting to admit his fear. However, at the climax, he ends up caving and scream and or cover his eyes. Kirishima laughs at Bakugo before wrapping a comforting arm around him.


Todoroki: As far as I'm concerned, I don't blush

Midoriya: Oh really? What if I do this? *kisses Todoroki on the cheek*

Todoroki: Nope

Midoriya: *kisses on the other one*

Todoroki: Nada

Midoriya: *hugs him*

Todoroki: Goose eggs

Midoriya: *kisses him hard on the lips*

Todoroki: Nothing

Midoriya: Well, *sighs* I guess I got nothing too. *walks out of the room*

Todoroki: ... *turns as red as a tomato*


-Edd's P.O.V.-

I was at my friend's engagement party yesterday and everyone was about to do cheers with these nasty ass shots of blue Tequila, but I don't drink and I especially do not drink Tequila, blue or not. So instead I grabbed a piece of bread from the basket on the table and just tapped it against people's glasses like it was a legitimate beverage instead of a wheat byproduct, and one of my friends was like "what in god's name are you doing?" and I didn't know how to say I would rather slice off my own foot than drink Tequila so I just held my bread up and said "I'm toasting" and at that moment I felt my soul descend directly into the eighteenth circle of hell.


-Tom's P.O.V.-

I was in the car with my mother and Jon, my cousin, and my mom was talking about how much time she thinks "our generation wastes time on the internet" or whatever. And I was explaining how I use the internet to read and create more interests and hobbies and use expand my social horizons, etc. and she was like "Well fine if that's how you want to live. You can waste all your time on the internet if that's what you want but I beg to differ" and without thinking I just said, "then beg." And the entire car went silent until we got home. It was the biggest power move I have ever made to date.


Tord tilted Tom's chin up to get a better look at his face and the evidence of a fight. Tord delicately wipes away the streak of blood by Tom's mouth with his thumb, saying nothing as he examines it. After a brief pause, Tom's heart skips a nervous beat as Tord looks him dead in the eyes. His voice is quiet and tense, his anger barely restrained. "Who did this to you?" asked Tord.


Tord has an online business meeting with someone important who lives across the world so he has to stay up till 12 for the meeting. Tom doesn't want to leave Tord alone so he grabs a pillow and lays in Tord's lap as he attends his meeting. Halfway through the meeting Tom accidentally smacks Tord in his sleep, this took Tord by surprise but everyone else in the meeting thought it was hilarious. 


Tom: *smiles*

Tord: *blushes and slams his hands on the table* That's fucking it, I'm killing him

Edd: Or you can man up and ask him out

Tord: K-killing..is easier


Edd: I have very high standards, I'd never date anyone clu-

Matt: *walking in, tripping and falling face-first onto the floor* "Ahh shit, oh hi guys!

Edd: I want him


Tom walked into his house, threw his bag on a chair, and laid down on the carpet with an air of defeat. Edd walked in a few hours later, saw Tom on the ground, and set to work. He picked up a few blankets and a couple of pillows. Then Edd walked over to Tom, laid everything out, then proceeded to lay down with Tom. Tom slowly curled up to Edd and fell into a restful sleep. After five hours, they were still laying there. Just soaking in each other's presence.


Tom: Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

Tord: Uh, sure

Tom: Thou art hot as fuck

Tord: Thank you but why are you like this?


Tord: Look, Matt, it's funny how when you fall in love with someone, you start becoming kind of aware of these little quirks and habits they have, and just collecting and memorizing them.

Matt: Like what?

Tord: Like.. *gives a detailed and full list of quirks and habits Tom has*

Matt: Uh, Tord...

Tord: Yes?

Matt: Did you hear what you just said now? Because I have news for you

Tord: Yes, why? What do you me-

Tord: *blushes furiously*

Tord: Oh my god

Tord: I've got a crush on Tom

Matt: *smirking* Yep~


Edd: I'm going to be so wild tonight

Matt: Oh yeah? ;)

Edd: Yeah, I'm going to drink cola at 1 am instead of 12 pm

Matt: I thought you meant in another way and now I have no idea how to respond


*Tord walks in on Tom laying on the floor doing nothing*

Tord: What are you doing?

Tom: I don't know. What are you doing?

Tord: I don't know

*A few minutes later Edd walks in and sees Tom and Tord laying on the floor together*

Edd: What are you guys doing?

Tom and Tord: We don't know


Tord gently kisses Tom on the head and tells him it's time to get up. When Tom doesn't respond, Tord trails kisses from his lips down to just below his navel and leaves Tom incredibly flustered and horny for the rest of the morning.


Tord screams at the top of his lungs and when Tom comes running, he finds Tord standing on a chair screaming about a spider.


Present Mic: *Dancing wildly in front of the fridge*

Aizawa: I am just here to get some jello, can you move?

Present Mic: *dramatically poses* I am moving. Just not in a way that is for your benefit

Aizawa: *Picks up Present Mic and throws him over his shoulder*

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