Kliff || Number One Fan

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Being the Kul Fyra's sibling most would think would be a dream.

You thought otherwise. It was an absolute nightmare, especially when it came to fans.

You took on the role as a manager for The Goolings, mainly to keep your sister out of trouble.

The band respected you, and you respected them. However, they didn't appreciate your killjoy attitude, but hey, it's either you keep them under control or they'll wreck the place. Pick your poison.

After a few shows, you did come out of your shell and lightened up a little bit. For a little while, at least.

You met Kliff at one of The Goolings' shows. He had a VIP pass to meet the band afterwards snd it was your job to escort him there.

"So, you're their manager, huh? How did you manage to rack up that kind of position?" He started to make the walk less awkward.

"Oh, it just so happens that I'm Kul Fyra's younger sibling."

"No kidding! Damn, you're lucky then."

"More or less," You muttered under your breath, clutching your clipboard.

"What was that?"

You perked up, "Ah, nothing. We're here anyway."

Turning the corner, you saw your sister sitting on one of the speakers tuning her guitar. Her flaming hair had died down from the show but still flickered. She didn't hear you come up and jumped when you cleared your throat.

"You got a fan-"

"Call me Kliff, it's a pleasure to meet you, Fyra." He stuck a hand out.

Tatiana eyes him for a second, "Tatiana will be fine, no need for formalities. So, Kliff, how long have you been a fan?"

He scoffed and straightened his glasses, "Ever since the beginning, I guess you could consider me your number one fan!"

"Number one, huh? Guess the title's all yours."

The night went on with you doing paperwork in the corner while the two chatted.

It was obvious how head over heels Kliff was for Tati, it made your blood boil.

"What does she have that I don't? Oh right," you narrowed your eyes and gritted your teeth, "fame."

You overheard your name being mentioned in the conversation, "(Y/N)'s been the manager ever since I joined the band. I was appointed lead guitarist solely because they thought I had the skills. It's not all sunshine and roses but (Y/N) eases the pain of being the one everyone looks up to. . . I know that (Y/N)'s jealous, I can see it in their eyes. I feel bad that this is what tears us apart."

There's the guilt.

You sighed and decided from then on to just hide your jealousy, your envy.

Or so it was for a few months.

You and Kliff grew close as "friends," you knew it was only so he could see more of Tatiana but you held your tongue.

Tatiana, however, was getting sick of the guy.

"He won't leave me alone, (Y/N)! He keeps messaging me asking for dates and I keep trying to decline politely, then the next day he's back at it!" She drug a hand down her face.

"I'd say give him a chance but I honestly don't think that's an option for you. Tell him off or something, I dunno." You huffed, tapping away at your phone.

"I've tried but he keeps thinking it's flirting!"

You glanced up, shrugged, then went back to your phone.

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