Insomnia Tapers Your Eyelids

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Jillian Stewart

|Feb. 28th 11:46 am| Daytona, Ohio

It’s been about a month and two weeks since the tour started and already we’ve worked so hard. The techs, crew members, hell even us. With a total of over 456,000 fans that came out, 7,000 for the meet and greets and a helluva lot for buying merch, we need a break.  It’s our first off day and we’ve stopped by a pretty cheap hotel. We need it, especially us because once again, our toilet and tiny pathetic shower is backed up, again. I swear we need a new tour bus. I wish we would’ve took the studio tour bus or just gotten shiny new tour bus.

I prop my feet up on his lap and scribble out lyrics and re-write new ones. I’ve been driving myself crazy staying up so late at night and having a coffee rush in the morning, I haven’t slept in over 48 hours and it’s taking a toll on me by my lyrics.

“Tell me again, why are you writing a song?” he flicked through the ESPN channel.

“Just had some idea.” I look to my band mate and bat my eyelashes at him.

“Will it be for a new album or EP or something?” I shrug my shouldes and stare down at my depressed lyrics. Running away from Tony has really taken a toll on me, considering I barely know him, but, it’s for the better.

“Your vocals?” Jace mutes the TV to stare at me.

“No. it’s still going to be us. But I don’t know, I’m just trying to expand our horizons.” I scribble out a line and furrow my eyebrows at it. I hadn’t even noticed what I wrote and I was glad I scribbled it out.

The frozen moment when your lips brushed over mine

I dug the pen deeper through the line. It’s weird to say you think you may be, possibly, was falling in love with a person you barely knew, a person you kept pushing away and you end up alone.

“Well, it’s something to take into consideration.” Jace sent me a warm smile. I’m proud of him. During those months where I had no contact what so ever with my band, I heard that Jace went into rehab for his abuse. It was hard. It had to be. Although I never went to rehab for my addiction, quitting with or without help is hard.

“Well, if it weren’t for me, we could’ve been called Hands Like Houses.” I close my notebook and wiggle my feet into a comfortable position on his lap.

“Hey, I think Hands Like Houses would’ve been a good name.” Jace flicks my toes.

“How the hell can you compare something human and on our body to a bloody house. A house, Jace.” Jace shrugs his shoulders.

“So? Hands Like Houses would’ve attracted more guys. Hands Like Hearts is too girly, which is why our fan base is majority girls.”

“Hey! We have guys!”

“With what choice? A married woman? Or a girl who barely speaks to the camera? Trust me, our girls are crazy. Guys would be good help.”

“They’re majority girls because some girls think the boys in the band are hot.”

“I know! Thank you!” I roll my eyes.

“You are so full of yourself sometimes.” He shrugs his shoulder and wiggles my feet.

“It’s a gift. I also think, we should go to Cookout, have some burgers and shakes, and invited the Pierce the Veil guys.” The pen slips from my hand and lads on the ground. The thought of being near Tony scares me.

My feelings for him are confusing and if I have to be near that Jaime and Mike character for more than two minutes other than passing each other after set, then I’m pretty certain I would go nuts. I mean, I do feel bad. I yelled at him, ignored him to the extinct after shows and purposely used fans as my distraction to get away from him. But, I can’t risk it.

“I’m going to have to pass. I really want to finish this song.” He nods, understanding.

“I’ll bring you some greasy fires and a milkshake back. Although I think you should try a hamburger.”

“What? A burger that came from an innocent cow that was brutally murdered, hung upside down, butchered and thrown to waste for the enjoyment of our hunger? No thank you, I rather die than eat meat.” Jace throws his hands up and glares at me in a playful way.

“Gosh! You’re so difficult!”

|Tony Perry|

“Hey are you coming to Cookout with us?” Mike asks. I shake my head and turn the TV up louder. We recently checked into a hotel and they’re going out with the other band to Cookout. I would go, but I don’t want to run into Jillian. She made it pretty clear didn’t anything to do with me, although I did nothing wrong.

“You better get out of your depressed stupor Tony,” Mike says as he closes the door behind him. I mute the TV once he’s out of earshot and was content on sleeping until I heard a soft noise.

It was accompanied by piano and I knew it was on this hall by the air vents. I sat up from the bed and continued to listen to the song. It was just a soft instrumental, but it was so beautiful.

I swung my legs over the bed and began walking towards the sound. I looked at each door I passed and even looked behind me to see if I saw the person or the music. I heard the laughs from my band in the lobby and I snuck pass them, traveling to the next hall.

The music was getting louder and I knew I was getting close, but why is something so beautiful is on the more crappier side of the hotel?

I saw a room door cracked. It was where the music was coming from. I pushed the door a little further and listened to the voice. It was two voices, one sounded like a man and another sounded like a woman. I slid down the wall and listened to the song. It got me thinking about Jillian and why she ran out on me a week ago. Every time I tried approaching her after a show, she would always run away and I just want answers.

Why is she so secretive? Why does she push me away? Why am I attracted to her? And most of all, what are we? Or were. I would just stand and watch their show. Getting a feel of their music and watching their fan base. If I thought Pierce the Veil had a huge fan base, I was wrong. Their fan base is huge. I would try to make conversation about the fans to her, but she would just brush me off and keep walking.

It sounded like;

“Jillian?” A voice spoke.

“Oh, sorry Jonny. I just, I can’t concentrate.” Jonny?

“It’s all right. It’s hard to focus when you’re in love.” I hear a snort.

“I am not in love Jonny, I just, it’s complicated.”

“Complicated, right.”

“Shut up Craig.”

“Complicated that you’re leaving San Diego to get away from him?”

“Shut up Craig. It’s just, whatever. So how did it sound?”

“Pretty good. It’s still kinda of choppy though. But, I got a plane for the NYC date to sing Lion Skin.”

“Thanks again.”

“No problem. Now go talk to him.” I took this as my opportunity to flee, but before I could even get down the hallway;

“Tony, hey, can I, uh talk to you?” I heard her ask. The way she looked at me lets me know she didn’t know I was listening to her conversation. She stared at me with sincerity.

“Sure.” She’s leaving San Diego? But why?

What’s so bad in San Diego that she has to leave?

|title credit: her monologue  by issues|

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