I'll Hit The Bottom Just To Feel The Ground

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Jillian Stewart

|Feb. 15th 11: 22 pm| Seattle

The tension between my band at the moment was ridiculous and so thick that fucking Godzilla could bust through this. Even though everyone was in their own separate area, I felt uncomfortable just standing here.

And that's why I'm getting dressed for the diner hang-out. Well, I wouldn't really call it, getting dressed. I just switched the pants for shorts and slipped on a beanie. I'm still not sure where the Love Before Glory shirt came from, but I kept it on because it's so fitting on me.

Underneath the clothes, I'm a nervous wreck. It's been a while since I've just hung out with a guy and actually talked about my past. Just hung out as friends and not get under anyone pants, for now at least.

I could feel tiny butterflies forming in my stomach, so I drowned them with a secret stash of liquor to calm my nerves a bit. I wasn't going to let Tony know he has the upper hand. Because either way, he's still a cocky ass that gets what he wants, despite his quietness. You could be totally crazy and insane, like me, and all it takes is the right person to bring that shit out.

Or the wrong person.

And that person is Tony.

I checked the time and nodded to myself. I wasn't going to let my anxiety get the best of me nor my past. I was going to relax and hang with a friend on tour, talk a bit, and have fun. Regardless of the fact that I would eventually have to leave San Diego and Tony, it's nice to enjoy the moment while it's happening.

I put fifty dollars in my bra and walked off the bus with ease. Most of my band, with the exception of Sam who was in the bathroom, was passed out on the couch. I stepped into the chilly Seattle air. I began walking towards the Pierce the Veil bus and my palms were on fire. I didn't know how to approach them. Especially Mike and Jaime.

I lifted my hand to knock when the door flew open and Tony was standing before me. The words I had mustered the courage to say left my mind and suddenly, I was just staring.

His hair was free of the snapback and was just chilling on her shoulders. His was in a tank top of some clothing line and khaki pants. He looked, gorgeous.

"Hey there Stew." And that knocked me out of my daze.

"Did you just shorten my last name?" I place a hand on my hip to glare at him.

"Yup, now come on," he grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers together as he drags me outside the venue. I look down at our hands and wished I had alcohol to drown the butterflies again.

"So, where are we dining?" I ask as we walk onto the sidewalk near the busy street.

"It's a surprise." He says with a smirk.

"Last time it was a 'surprise' we were on the cold beach." I muttered.

"You weren't complaining when we were -"

"I get it Perry." He chuckled.

"One day, you're going to stop calling me by my last name. I know it."

"Don't keep your hopes up." I mutter to myself. we walked for a few minutes in silence, nothing but the sounds of the busy street filling the quiet void. The further we walked, the more nervous I became. I had a million thoughts running through my mind and all of them were directed towards the man holding my hand.

It's too much, he's starting to take interest in me and he's growing attached. If it wasn't for the fact we're on tour, I would snatch my hand from his and run to isolate myself.

Sleeping, With Saints and Apparitions (Tony Perry Fanfiction) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now