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I'm trying not to copyright, I'm going to try to use me own words, but all the credit goes to Catherine Hardwicke, Bill Condon, Chris Weitz and David Slade, the directors of the Twilight Saga. But please enjoy the story and make sure to vote!


I pulled up in dad's driveway and got out of the Ute, slamming the door shut and marched up to the front door and to my bedroom. Dad wasn't home yet so I was free to scream all I like. God I hate him. He thinks he's so handsome and gorgeous and thinks he's got everything he wants. It just makes me want to scream. I huffed deeply then flopped on to my bed.

An hour past, and dad pulled up in front of the house with a loud squeak with his cop car. I exhaled deeply to calm down and walked out and down stairs to greet him. "Your mother rang again." He said as he walked through the door.

"And I blame you for telling her about the incident." I replied and followed him the kitchen and leaned against the bench. "She always knew how to stress." Dad said as he opened the fridge to get a bottle of juicy watermelon cruiser. "Can I have one?" I asked and he nodded so I got one for myself.

"But...she's changed too. She's cheerful. Phil sounds nice." Dad sighed and took a sip of his drink. I looked down to my feet, "he is." I answered quietly then looked up and gazed at his and mum's wedding photo that was hanging up on the wall then took a sip.

The next day at school, I sat down at our normal spot with Harry, Cedric, Padma and Luna in the cafeteria. I glanced over at the Malfoy's table, but for once, Draco wasn't looking at me. "Hey!" Exclaimed Harry, "La Push girl, you in?" I looked at him.

"Am I supposed to know what that means?" I asked.

"La Push Beach." Explained Cedric, "we're all going there after school, big wave coming in."

"There's whale watching too." Said Luna "Come on it'll be fun."

"I'll go if you quit saying that." I chuckled and they chuckled too. I realized hat I forget some fruit so I got up and walked towards where the food was. "Tasty art." Said a low voice from beside me, making me jump and knock my apple off the side. It rolled up Draco's foot and he caught it in his hands. I glared up at him then took the apple out of his hand. "I told you not to do that." I snarled at him and he smirked, "thanks, but your mood changes are giving me a headache." 

"I said it would be best if we weren't friends, not that I don't want to be."

I turned to look at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that if you were clever enough, you'd be dodging me." He glances over at his table where his siblings sat and I looked over at my table, Cedric looked like he was growing some jealousy. "So, let's just say that I'm not clever, would you chat to me? Be honest to me?"

"Maybe no, I like to hear your ideas." He replied as he followed me to the other side of the food. I sighed and thought. "Uh... what about, radioactive spiders? Or kryptonite?"

"Ok, now your just naming superhero's." He said with a chuckle, "but, what if I'm not the hero? What if I'm the villain?"      

I listened to his words and looked into his eyes, "you're not the bad guy of the story, I don't believe it. You can be an...idiot at sometimes but it's like this cover that hides you to keep people away." I replied, he looks taken back. I sighed and put some food on my tray and moved on. "Why don't we hang out? Come to the beach after school."

"Which beach?" He said and gave a small smile.

"La Push." I answered and his smile disappeared a little, "Is something wrong with the beach?"

"It's just a little busy, that's all, I don't like crowded spaces." He answered and I nodded. "Draco!" Astoria called from their table and he walked off. 

Twilight A Dramione Fanfiction- CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now