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I walked outside, thank god Ginny and Blaise didn't see me and crossed the road and looked down both ways. I couldn't see Draco coming so I quickly called for a taxi. "8th and Palo Verde please." I said to the driver and we drove off.

The ride was quiet as I looked out the window.

It was dark when the driver pulled up at the ballet studio, I said my thanks and got out of the car, slamming the door behind me. As I heard the car drive off, I stared at the tall building and memories flashed through my head. I took a big breath in and went inside.

A breeze of cold air swept through me as I stepped inside. It was dark as well, the moonlight reflected on the mirrors around the room. I looked around to try and spot my mother or Nathan but I couldn't see them anywhere. "Hermione? Hermione! Where are you?" Came my mother's voice from inside the closest in front of me. "Mum!" I called. I ran to the closet and swung open the door, only to find a recording of the younger me on this very closet. It was a trap.

"Hey, what are you doing over here?" My mother asked in the video, "don't you want to dance?"

"Everyone makes fun of me." The younger me replied.

"Oh honey, you're a great dancer." Mum said.

"Mum, I suck at it."

Laughter came from behind me and I swung right around. "That's my favourite part." Came a sly voice, I knew exactly who it was. "Such a stubborn child you were."

"She's not here isn't she?" I shouted at him. He laughed again.

"You're just too easy." He said   and he runs over to me like the speed of light and pinned me against the wall. I gave a little scream and he came close to my face and shoved a video camera at me. "So I'm going to make things more... Entertaining. I'm going to make a video of us together. Borrowed it from your house if you don't mind." The vampire said. I didn't say anything, I tried to control my breathing. He turned it on and pointed it at me. "And action."

I struggled under his strength, trying to get free but he was too strong.

"This will break Draco's little heart." He whispered as he touched my throat and sniffed my hair.

"Draco has nothing to do with this!" I yelled.

"He will, his anger will make for more interesting sport than he's feeble attempt to protect you."

I had too much of his stupid plan. I sprayed my pepper spray in his eyes and made a run towards the door. I was so close until Nathan jumped over me and landed in my way. " Still stubborn, aren't you?" He asked in his sly voice. "Is that what makes you so... Special? Because I frankly don't see it." He inhales deeply and moved closer to me. "Too bad he didn't have the strength to change you. He just kept you as a little fragile human. It's cruel really."

He threw me to the other side and gripped my shin tightly, making me scream in agony. "Tell him how much it hurts!" Nathan snarled, still gripping my leg. Tears swelled my eyes from the pain. I closed my eyes tightly and gave a soft sob. " Tell him to avenge you!"

" Draco... no...don't." I managed to say. Nathan breaths me in and then exhales. "Cut! The end." He said and turned of the camera. Suddenly, he is thrown to the other side. I could hardly see who else was with us because I was nearly unconscious, but I saw platinum blonde hair. Draco. I wanted to go him, but I could barely move. "All alone aren't you?" I heard Nathan say, "you're faster then the others, but not stronger."  I heard glass smashing everywhere around me.

"Draco." I whisper, barely audible. 

"I'm strong enough to kill you." Draco said. One of them are thrown to a mirror and broke it and I felt strong arms scoop me up. Draco and I jump to the balcony exit but we were yanked down. I rolled out of Draco's arms and hit my head on the corner of the base of the mirror, making my head bleed. Once I opened my eyes, feet were coming towards me. Nathan gripped my wrist and smirked at me. I knew exactly what he was going to do. "No!" I screamed but he kept on smirking and bit my arm. I screamed in agony. Nathan was pushed to the ground and growled and glass smashing was all I heard, I couldn't really see anything. 

Ginny, Blaise and the others came to help Draco try and kill Nathan. Dr Mateo, Ginny and Draco crouch beside me. "Her head is split, she's losing too much blood." Dr Mateo told the others.

"It burns!" I grunted, "my hand!"

"Venom." Draco said.

"You have to make a choice, either let the change happen-."

"No!" Draco yelled.

"Draco, I've seen it, it's going to happen." Ginny told him.

"It doesn't have to be this way."

"Ginny, find me a bandage or a rag." Said Dr Mateo. A rip of clothing was heard and Draco carefully lifted me head and Mateo wrapped the rag around my head. "It's burning!" I screamed.

"What's the other option?" Draco asked.

"You can either suck the venom out of her."

"You know I won't be able to stop."

"Find the will to stop. But you have to choose, she's only got minutes."

I looked at Draco and he looked back at me. "Don't worry Mione, I'll make the pain go away." He whispered and bit down on the bite and started to suck out the venom. I gagged and moan as my eyes started to flutter shut slowly. "Stop. Her blood is clean, you're killing her." Came Dr Mateo's voice. I sighed softly as my eyes closed. 

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