004 | penetrating hiraeth

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Ash's chocolate orbs found the honey blonde that seemed quite lost. The hospital staff had taken May in their care and she was left alone, standing in bewilderment. She completely looked out of place, with her dirt splashed clothes [that looked old enough] and rain drenched hair compared to the classy aristocratic families of France. 

The auburn-eyed man filed up the formalities and glanced at Serena. He decided to walk over to her and tried to strike up a decent conversation after what had happened. She heard his approaching presence and looked up, her eyes and cheeks red from crying. 

Even though Ash was sure that he had a friendly demeanor, he could feel that Serena's guard was up as she eyed him with utmost suspicion. From what Serena had learnt - it was a give and take world. She couldn't trust him so soon. 

"I am sorry for your friend" Ash mumbled, ruffling his hair lightly as an awkward silence hung over them. Serena bit her lips and narrowed her eyes as she tried to read his intentions. But Ash was himself conflicted about what to do next. Should he let his mother know? No shıt sherlock; if he does that then he is totally dead. So instead, he decided to call the only person that would understand ─ Drew. 

"I will be outside. Call me if needed" he told her in a gentle yet direct voice. Before Serena could ask him anything, he walked away with the phone in his hand. He took out his contact list and called up Drew since he was the most sensible and logical person in his friend circle. Besides, he always had good advices and right now, Ash desperately needed one for the mess that he had trapped himself into.

"Whats up, Ash?" Drew's voice came from the other end. It sounded a bit too cheerful to the raven haired man, contrasting with the situation he was into at the moment. 

"Hey, Drew. You need to listen to the trouble I had gotten myself into" Ash breathed out in desperation as he started to narrate what had occurred in the last previous hour from the very beginning.

 You need to listen to the trouble I had gotten myself into" Ash breathed out in desperation as he started to narrate what had occurred in the last previous hour from the very beginning

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Serena had plopped on one of the uncomfortable silver benches of the hospital instead of the comfy and homey couches that were there. Her back was hurting but she felt that her dirty clothes would ruin the fabric and she definitely didn't wanted to think how much it will cost to wash it. She was already neck deep in trouble and from the looks of the hospital, she could only imagine the money that they would want to suck out of her in the name of treatment.

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