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A few hours passed by and no one had seen Harry. Hermione and Ron told me he'd gone to the forbidden forest. We were all watching for him to come back, if he was going to come back.

We got our answers. Hagrid, followed by Voldemort's army, was holding a lifeless Harry

"Harry Potter is dead" Voldemort shouted.

The deatheaters let out an unsettling laugh. I saw my dad amongst them. My heart sank. Stay on task! I scanned the crowd and couldn't see Draco. My mind was too busy that I'd forgotten to listen to voldemort.

"So who shall join me?" He shouted.

A blonde boy had stepped forward, Draco.

Running over and stopping him, "Draco! No I won't let you!" I shouted

I took him by the hand and pulled him back.

Voldemort turned around and said something I didn't understand. A green flash flew through the air and my dad fell to the floor.

My heart sank, "He trusted you! He left his family for you! All for you! Where has that gotten him! Dead!" I screamed

"Y/n stop you are going to get yourself killed" Draco whispered

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