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Ink's P.O.V.


Error insisted on going back to the others before telling me his plan, which annoyed me EVER so slightly. I mean, if he has the answer to stopping unworldly disaster, suffering, and consequence, I kinda want to know the plan here. But, sue me, Error can be really convincing when he wants to be.

"Error, long time, no see!" Horror beams at us as we walk through the portal. 

I can immediately tell something is wrong. Everyone, the Star Sanses, the bad guys, Sci, Fell, Outer...everyone, is panting like they just ran a marathon. Some eye sockets are void and empty, while others have different colors of magic spilling from them. Even Horror, who greeted us as we returned, was sweating and looked exhausted. 

Error chuckled. "WhAt DiD wE mIsS?" 

"Oh, nothing," Nightmare spits furiously, blue magic swirling from his eye. "Just a darn massacre of the Files and a near death encounter with erasure." 

"HuH. tHaT eXpLaInS tHe EmPtY fEeLiNg."


If I had a soul, it would've stopped. There are almost no Files left. I never thought I would live to see this. Almost total erasure. The Multiverse had never come this close to non-existence. The few Files that remain hang beaten and torn in their protective bindings. 

"Ink? Are you okay?!" I blink and look down at the skeleton in front of me. Yes, down. This is the only sans shorter than me. 

"Heh. I'll be alright. Thanks, Blue." 

"That white thing attacked us!" He exclaims, his eyes growing big and worried. "I was so scared, Ink. It just ate all the AUs like a kid that loves candy!! We tried to save them, but we couldn't move fast enough." Blue starts to tear up. " h-home. I-it..." 

I soon find myself comforting a sobbing Blueberry while Nightmare mutters to Error; "His AU was destroyed. So were many of the others'. We've tried to tell him it'll be ok, but he's having a hard time believing us..." 

"Don't worry Blue!" I say, trying to cheer him up. "Error has a plan!" 

"H-he does?" Blue sniffs, looking up at me. 

"He sure does! Error. Why don't you tell us your plan?" 


"Aww, c'mon!" I urge him on. "I mean, things couldn't get worse, could they?" 

"FiNe ThEn," Error shrugs, shoving his hands in his pockets and looking down at the ground. Everyone stops to look at Error. Suddenly, his eye sockets go dark, and I get a sudden impression things are, in fact, going to get worse.

A lot worse. His signature grin spreads across his face like the plague. I saw that grin many times in the past. He'd paste it on his face like a mask; His way of hiding pain.

"I'm GoInG tO gO iNtO tHaT tHiNg AnD fInD oUt WhAt'S gOiNg On. OnCe, AnD fOr AlL."

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