Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"It's fine, really. You don't have to sit with me." You tell Bokuto with a slight tone of exasperation in your voice. Bokuto and Akaashi follow you as you walk through the crowded hallway.

"But I want to! WE want to. Right, Akaashi?" Bokuto looks at Akaashi with his eyebrows raised.

Akaashi stares into your eyes and it makes you want to shiver, "Of course."

Bokuto huffs, "Then it's settled. We're eating with you, y/n."

You sigh and said, "Alright. But I don't know if Yukie and Kaori would be okay with it.."Kaori and Yukie are basically your only friends. You're friendly with other people, but no one else is necessarily your friend.

"Yukie and Kaori? Our managers?" Akaashi asks.

"Huh? Your managers? I thought they were the girls' volleyball team managers.." You say confused as the three of you enter the outside courtyard.

Akaashi teasingly taps your nose and you feel a chill go down your spine. That was so unexpected.

"No, no, y/n. They're the boys' managers." Akaashi says with a small smile on his lips. Bokuto looks back and forth between you and his junior.

You blush a bit because you were embarrassed that you didn't even know what your friends really do after school.

I'm gonna hurt those girls when I get the chance.

"Oh, well I'm just dumb. You guys must be lucky to have them as your managers..." You say but trail off when you see your girls. A smile bursts from your face as Kaori and Yukie wave.

And then they saw Bokuto and Akaashi trailing behind you. Bokuto is staring at your white shoes stepping in the moist grass while Akaashi seems to be staring at your legs.

"Y/n... what is this himbo and this prince doing with you?" Kaori asks while suspiciously staring at the boys.

You look back at them. Bokuto grins while Akaashi has a calm expression. "Well, I met them last period. I guess we're friends now."

"OMG, y/n! We're friends? That's so nice of you to say!" Bokuto gleams and throws his arm around your neck. Akaashi walks past you two and sits down.

"Hi, Yukie. Hi, Kaori." He says bluntly.

Yukie gives him her usual sweet smile, "Hi, Akaashi! So you're friends with y/n now? This is a first. I've never really seen you hang out with girls."

You sit down next to him and look at him curiously. The tips of his ears are slightly pink and he has a small scowl on his face. "You don't know who I hang out with, Yukie."

Bokuto chimes in, "What do you mean, Akaashi? Yukie is right, though. You only hang out with me..."

Akaashi glares at Bokuto. "Bokuto-san, be quiet."

You and the girls stifle a laugh and Akaashi looks at you. His expression seems to be still calm, but he has a very faint blush on his cheeks. You turn serious when you realize he's staring.

"You should come to our match on Friday, y/n!" Bokuto exclaims in the middle of the peaceful silence while everyone ate.

"Yeah! The boys are really good, y/n!" Kaori says matter-of-factly.

You look down and fiddle with your fingers. "I mean, if you really want me to..."

"Of course! Right, Akaashi?" Bokuto says.

Akaashi's pinky finger that was close to your hand slightly reaches out and touches you. "Of course. You should come, y/n." He looks at you and his expression is undisturbed, but his eyes seem to be begging.

You blush from the intensity of his stare and mutter, "Well, if you insist."

Akaashi smiles. And this time it's a full, genuine smile. Your heart slams against your ribcage. His perfect smile made you all gooey and melt inside.

I just met this guy and I think I'm in love already.

𝕀 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 (𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now