Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

    You really didn't want to talk to Akaashi today. You're back at your desk with your head down. You decide to pretend you're sleeping instead of studying because you didn't want Akaashi to talk to you this period.

    I might just go these next few weeks without talking to him. At least until the holidays past, so I'll know he gave that bracelet away by then.

    "That is the worst logic you have ever come up with" another voice says.

    You softly huff. I just don't feel like talking to him when I know he still has that bracelet. I don't want to ask him who it was for specifically and then end up being hurt.

    "Aghaashi," You hear Bokuto whisper as soft as he can (which isn't soft at all) next to you, "Can I wake up y/n? I wanna talk to her. :("

    "No, Bokuto-san. Don't you see that she's sleeping? Leave her be," The sweet Akaashi (properly) whispers back.

    "Fine," Bokuto huffs.

    When the bell finally rings, you lazily lift your head.

    "Y/N!" Bokuto exclaims. "Hi!"

    You smile and quickly glance at Akaashi who's been observing you the entire class time with his green blue eyes.

    You look away, grab your bag, and when you lift your foot to dart away, Bokuto grabs your wrist and pouts, "Y/n, hang out with us while we do some extra practice after school today! We've barely talked today..."

    "Uh," You pause. "Okay..."


    Okay, maybe I have been overreacting a bit today, You think as you make your way through the empty halls to the gym where you expect to see Bokuto and Akaashi. They are basically my only friends other than Kaori and Yukie, and Kousei. If I stop talking to Akaashi, that makes my short list of friends even shorter.

Right when you step into the gym, Bokuto immediately greets you as if he has been watching the door the entire time. "Hey, y/n! Toss me some balls so that I can spike them!"

You pause, "Isn't that what Akaashi is for?"

Bokuto waves it off, "Forget about Akaashi-"

"I'm literally standing right here, Bokuto-san." Akaashi grumbles.

"-just grab that volleyball and show me what you got!" Bokuto continues ignoring Akaashi.

You giggle. "Alright."


My eyes follow your movements as you bend down to pick up the ball. This was the first time you've really shown emotion today. I wonder what has gotten into you lately? I would ask you if you're okay, but I'm not sure if we're that close...

"Akaashiii. Stop staring at y/n, and watch me spike!" Boktuo grumbles. Y/n turns to look at me with a small blush on her cheeks. Jeez, Bokuto...

I sigh. "Okay."

**Y/N's  POV**

    You toss the ball high in the air. Honestly, you're not sure if you set it right, and it's no help that an official setter is watching you. Akaashi's eyes have been set on you and you're starting to feel very self-conscious of your movements. Suddenly, your arms don't feel normal by your sides. Are you even standing correctly? Is my posture all right?

    "Nice set, y/n." You hear Akaashi shout out. You look at him with a slight smile. We both know that set was so not good. But either way, Bokuto found a way to slam it into the other side of the net.

    "Heyyy! Y/n, you should try spiking one too! Akaashi! Set a ball for her!!" Bokuto exclaims.

    You tilt your head. Spike a ball? Bruh, you can barely roll your body to the other side of your bed. But Bokuto is giving you such cute puppy eyes you can't resist.

    You roll your eyes. "Fineee."

    You look towards Akaashi who's still sitting there. You jerk your chin to tell him to get up already and set a ball for you. Akaashi sighs, looks down, and stands up.

    When Akaashi's hands set the ball to you, you try to run and jump to it. Your hand barely touches the ball and when you land, your foot loses balance and your body falls to the side.

    "OW!" You exclaim. It seems you skinned your elbow a bit when you fell.

    "Oh my God, y/n, are you okay?" Akaashi gasps. He bends down and grabs your elbow. "Does it really hurt?"

    You shrug. "Nah, I'm just being dramatic."

    Akaashi narrows his eyes and reaches out his thumb to touch your elbow. You wince a bit. Akaashi immediately notices this and gives you a "are you serious" look. You grin a bit. "Okay, maybe I'm not that okay."

    "Come on. I'll patch you up." Akaashi says as he grabs your arm to pull you up. "We'll be right back, Bokuto-san."

    Akaashi drags you to the bathroom in the locker room. You look around and see all the light blue lockers and a couple of sneakers on the ground. You blush thinking about all the cute guys that would change in here. Akaashi doesn't seem to notice your lewd thoughts and pats the counter of the sink. "Sit here."

    You nod and lift yourself up without trying to strain yourself. You watch as Akaashi bends down to take out the first-aid kit in the drawer of the sink. You can help but watch the muscles of his thighs visibly contract as he bends. When he straightens up, you make eye contact.

    "Uh.. sorry for the disturbance, Akaashi. Didn't mean to suddenly make you a doctor." You nervously say. He's standing between your legs as he takes out a bandaid from the box while watching you.

    He shrugs. "It's all good. Nothing I'm not used to. Bokuto tends to injure himself a lot."

    "Oh... cool."

    Akaashi quirks an eyebrow. You wave your hands in front of him. "Wait, not cool that Bokuto injures himself. It's just cool that you know how to take care of people... Does that make sense? I'm sorry."

    Akaashi chuckles. Then, he suddenly leans in. You freeze. You divert your gaze to his shoulder. Eye contact in this position is way too scary. You feel his breath on your cheek, and suddenly, it's gone. You look at his face and his eyes are gleaming. You look down at his hands and he has a napkin in them.

    "Sorry. Needed a tissue from behind you."

    You look behind you and see the tissue box. "Oh."


    You look back at him with a huge blush. Akaashi smiles slightly. "Y/n..."

    You perk up. "Yes?"

    "We're friends, right?"

    You pause. Oof. "Uh, yeah?"

    Akaashi tilts his head. "You don't seem too sure..."

    You shake your head "Uh, sorry. I mean, yes, we're friends. Of course, we're friends!"

    Akaashi smiles. "Alright." He grabs your elbow and cleans it with the tissue and alcohol and carefully places a bandaid over it.

    "All good to go!" And he winks at you. You freeze with your eyes wide and he turns away to walk back to the gym.

What just happened? What. Just. Happened.

You lift yourself off of the counter. I'm getting out of here.

You run out of the locker room. Bokuto and Akaashi turn to look at you with surprised faces.

You pause. "Uh. I think I'm gonna go home now. Don't wanna strain my elbow or something. See ya!" You quickly pick up your bag and skip through the gym.

Bokuto quirks his head. "What's up with y/n?"

Akaashi shrugs. "Don't have a clue."

𝕀 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 (𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now