Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

    "Chance ball!" Yells Komi, the libero of the team.

    "Bokuto-san!" Akaashi yells while his fingers lift the ball into the air towards Bokuto.

    You're sitting on the bleachers above the court and your lip starts to hurt from biting it so hard. The game was intense because Fukurodani was playing against a strong team.

    Nekoma High School.

    But that's not the only concern on your mind.

Akaashi is looking so fine in his uniform, and you're so close to a nosebleed. You can see his thick thigh muscles flex when he jumps to set the ball.

Why am I checking him out?

"Because you are not immune to people with testosterone and a beautiful face " An inner voice says.

I scowl to myself. Whatever.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Bokuto shouts as he slams the ball in a straight line into the other court. You see a middle blocker on the other team with weird spiky hair flip off Bokuto. Bokuto sticks out his tongue at him, and you can't help but smile.

Surprisingly, Bokuto looks at your direction and sees you. He grins and waves enthusiastically. You give a small wave and notice the dude on the other side of the net stare at you with squinted eyes. He sees that you're looking at him, so he winks at you. You're slightly taken aback, so you drop your hand and feel a blush creep to your face.

Bokuto cocks his head in confusion and looks at the middle blocker. "What did you do, Kuroo?"

Kuroo looks at Bokuto and shrugs, "Nothing of your concern, you annoying owl." He glances at you and walks back to his position.

**Akaashi's POV**

"Nice toss, Akaashi!" Bokuto says as he walks towards me. I nod and scan the bleachers.

Is y/n here like she said she would be?

"She's sitting up there, Akaashi," Bokuto says and points somewhere in the bleachers.

"What?" I  look at Bokuto.

Bokuto-san smirks, "You're looking for y/n, right?"

"Yeah..." I look in the direction Bokuto pointed and there you are. You're already waving at me. I feel a tug in my chest and smile at you.

I see you get up and you cheer, "Go Akaashi!"

This time I grin, but I feel eyes boring into my head. I look to my right and see Bokuto's golden eyes staring intensely at me. "What, Bokuto-san?"

Bokuto shrugs, "Nothing. Come on, just one more point to win this match!"

I narrow my eyes but return to my position.


"Yeah!" Screams the team when Bokuto spikes the last point. I shake off my nervousness because it all ended well. I really didn't want to mess up with y/n watching me...

I look at the bleachers trying to find you, but my team pushes me into the locker rooms.

I tried changing fast to come out and try to talk to you, but when I stepped outside of the locker room I see Kuroo from Nekoma talking to you already. I pause in surprise because I never pictured you two together.

What's this feeling ? It's not a really good feeling...

I clench my hand and look away when I see you glance back at me.

"What's up, Akaashi?" Bokuto comes out of the room with a damp towel in his hand. I look at him and shake my head. Bokuto scans the court and he catches you and Kuroo. His eyes widen a bit and he stomps towards them.

I sigh and follow Bokuto before he does anything ridiculous.

𝕀 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 (𝐀𝐤𝐚𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now