Chapter 5: The Girl Meets The Twins

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     Growing up Daphne had three things she loved more than life itself, reading news articles, sleeping, and soccer. She had been playing since she was 5 and this was the 1st year she would go without it. She originally wanted to play in college but a specter grabbed her leg during the state semi-finals and caused a serious foot fracture. After that her mother banned her from anything soccer related and today was the first day she dribbled outside of her room in a year. Of course she was still worried about injuries whether they were natural or specter induced but she had Jean to protect her this time. Once she got to the empty park she placed her bag at one goalpost and took in the familiar smells around her. She dribbled on the sidelines waving her hands to the imaginary crowd as she took the field for herself. She practiced penalty kicks while Jean substituted for the goalie, knocking shots back and laughing at every miss Daphne had. Daphne ran back to the opposite goalpost and took off, darting past defenders while the crowd cheered her on. She turned her body inwards as she lifted her left leg for a kick relishing in the fact that her body can still move the way it does on a soccer field. Her excitement soon faded away as she saw Juliette holding the ball in her hands with Jean flying right above her.

     Daphne stared at Juliette intensely, running up to her friend as she leaned back into the goalpost imitating Daphne's movements. Daphne pointed at her wondering what type of things she brought with her to ruin her Columbus Day holiday. Juliette laughed, asking why humans celebrated a man coming to a land and taking it from others. Before Daphne could answer her Juliette took her hand and yelled enthusiastically, noting that they were going on a field trip today. Daphne stared back at her informing her that all she wanted to do was practice her free kicks with Jean and go sleep after. Juliette stared even harder noticing Jean's longer wings and pronounced beak had developed more from the last time they were all together. She opened her arms and Jean flew into them as she told Daphne that this field trip was unlike any field trip Daphne had ever been on. Daphne began to grow annoyed and asked if this "field trip" was so great then she should stop stalling and tell her where they're going. Juliette snickered for a while with Jean floating above both of them as she blurted out " The field trip is to the Celestium, specifically it's to the 2nd Elders Castle". Before Daphne could even complain about meeting another elder Juliette snapped and all three of them were whisked away again.

     When She landed on her feet Daphne was face to face with the looney toons running around chanting " She Wants to See You, She wants to See You".  She jumped up, wondering if she was in a dream before remembering she was in the Celestium. She ran down the yellow brick road in front of her  until she collided  with Bugs Bunny in front of a lamp post. She stared at him while he munched a carrot then asked where the 2nd elder was which got a " Shes up there Doc" out of him. She walked past him and noticed the buildings around her were a bevy of different shapes colors and sizes. They all had different designs on them with one being the home of the looney toons, another being the spaceship of Marvin the Martian and even the Van from scooby-doo. Daphne continued to walk up the streets of the Celestium running into cartoon characters from her mother's childhood and some a little bit closer to hers like the Ninja turtles who handed her a slice of pizza as they walked by. While eating the slice she heard Juliette calling her name from a distance and raced over to meet her and Jean. Daphne asked where they were and Juliette responded with " We're in Saturday Morning Central" as she walked closer to the center of the town. When they reached the center of the town Daphne Gasped as she recognized the building in front of her from her mother's comic book collection in her room. Juliette laughed as she introduced Daphne to the 2nd Elders Home the Fortress of Serenity.

     Juliette rang the doorbell to the the fortress while Daphne admired the place . After 3 rings a voice came to the door ordering them to go away until Juliette spoke and the door opened. The door gave way to a massive room with a statue of SuperGirl in the middle and Superman's cape on a flag pole. The 2nd Elder Diandria sat on a stoop in the middle of the room, flipping through X-Men comics as Juliette and Daphne walked up to her. Daphne introduced herself as Diandria shook her hand offering a seat to rest her feet on. Daphne refused politely and side eyed Juliette nonverbally asking why she didn't say that the 2nd elder was so cool. Juliette bowed to Diandria asking where she had the file for the 2nd Spirit Daphne was to find when Daphne noticed a sign that said " Missing seat for missing guy". As soon as she began to wonder who it was for the room started to shake and Diandria reminded her to not touch a elders stuff. She then informed them that they were to go to a graveyard in D.C and find a Little Boy Spirit named David who needs to be reunited with his twin spirit named Dawn in the same graveyard. Daphne's Eyebrows raised as she was told that when she performed the scale of spirits upon them she should envision the town instead of sending them back to Celestium in general. As they walked away Diandria remarked that Jean seemed to be growing by the minute laughing that Daphne had to be getting stronger as well.

     Daphne had never been to D.C before but tonight wasn't the night for sightseeing. Juliette had found the graveyard while Daphne held Jean tight as she was nervous in a new city. Juliette teleported them to the front of the graveyard and phased through the door as Daphne jumped the wall with ease. Daphne landed in front of a tombstone, peering over to see the name on it. She sent Jean on a round trip of the cemetery to find the name Dawn Summers in the upper level as the girls searched around. Juliette walked through the place noticing that Daphne seemed to have something on her mind. Daphne's eyes seem to be lost in thought until Juliette asked what she was wondering about. She took a bit of a breath and asked who the other stool, the sign and the other chair was for. Juliette stared in her eyes telling her it was a secret so tight she had only learned the answer a week ago. As Daphne asked how much of a secret it could really be she heard a little boy cry out " Dawn I'm over here". She turned her head to the side and came face to face with David who stared back playfully.

Dave continued to stare at Daphne with Juliette standing beside her, confirming this was the spirit they were looking for. Daphne stared at the sky looking for Jean as Juliette started to ask Dave a series of hard hitting questions. Dave ran away from Juliette and tugged on Daphne's Jacket mentioning that Juliette scared him to which Daphne agreed with. Daphne swept the spirit up in her arms asking him where his sister was as they walked through the cemetery. He danced in her arms calling out Dawns name while Juliette walked behind sulking over the rejection. Dave began to smile when he passed the gate and they reached the northern section of the graveyard. He jumped out of Daphne's arms and sat down refusing to move as she tried to calmly reason with the spirit. He pointed to the sky as Jean landed atop Daphne's head saying she found where Dawn was located but it would be hard to get her to come with them.

Daphne ran with Dave in her arms as Jean led the gang to a tombstone in the corner of the cemetery. Daphne walked up to the tombstone expecting the spirit to appear before her when Juliette felt a tug on her green hair from her jacket. Daphne fell on the floor laughing as Dawn appeared in the hoodie of Juliette's Jacket tugging her hair and crying. Dawn jumped out of the jacket and ran past David to the tombstone in the corner, standing in front as if she was a prison guard. Daphne crouched down in front of Dave and pointed at Dawn asking why she won't leave the tombstone. Juliette crouched down besides her, hand on her head as she realized the problem. The one they were here for wasn't Dave it was Dawn and Dave was just supposed to bring them there. Daphne walked over to Dawn asking if she could read the tombstone to her . David crouched besides her looking at the tombstone until he made out the words "momma". Daphne stood back as David hugged the tombstone with Dawn standing beside him. Daphne stared at Juliette, knowing that Dawn had came to piece with her tether on earth but she didn't know if Dave had done the same. Juliette informed her that she had to do the Scale of Spirits now so Daphne closed her eyes and began the ritual as Dave hugged her leg. She closed her eyes and began to envision the Saturday Night Central, the vibrant roads and Colorful Buildings she spent all day admiring as the kids disappeared in front of her with Dawn giving Jean a wave and Juliette still sulking, getting nothing for a goodbye.

Juliette was about to transport Daphne back home when She grabbed her arm and told Juliette that they were making a pit stop to the fortress of serenity. Juliette stared back at her knowing she wasn't joking and teleported them to the front of the fortress. Daphne knocked on the door 3 or so times before Diandria opened up startled to see her back. Daphne stared at her and the message was crystal clear to everyone present. Daphne wanted answers as to how the council could mix up the spirit they needed or if they actually mixed it up in the first place. Diandria looked at Juliette with remorse before letting them inside. Daphne walked into the room and asked a simple question " Why did you want David and Dawn and what connection do you have to their momma?" . Diandria stared back at her and pointed to the empty chair and the entire fortress. She began to explain what Daphne had halfway pieced together. That she gave her this spirit to transition and told Daphne to send them here so they could be with her. That this was only cause they were her brothers children, the brother that built Saturday Night Central. He was a Elder spirit at one time until he fell in love with a human and she had two kids. Diandria teared up as she remembered the day her brother was banished by the elders for having a affair with a human. Daphne stood quiet as Diandria ended by recalling how the kids were humans at birth but soon became spirits and roamed D.C as their mother died a years after they did. She finished off by saying that's why everything in the city was from the 80s as that was her brothers wife's favorite time. Daphne's eyes were void of a reaction as she stared at Juliette, her mouth closed and her hands cold. Juliette asked Daphne what she wanted to do and Daphne replied with " Take Me Home Juliette.... Just take me home"

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